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Looking for my next challenge
Unfortunately, my time at Konstruct came to an end after a round of layoffs, which mean that I'm now open for a new challenge. For the last two years and a half, I had a blast building developer...
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3 words for 2025
Most years, instead of taking a resolution or setting specific goal(s), I choose three words that will serve as guides for the next 365 days. I found that it's the perfect way for me to continue...
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Install a previous version of a Homebrew keg
You just upgraded to the latest version of a software that is critical to you, and there is a new bug that is causing you problems. It's software, it happens... You cannot wait for a fix to be...
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Moving out of WordPress
After using WordPress as my main blogging and site platform for the last 19+ years, my site is now using Eleventy (11ty). The change is unrelated to the WordPress drama happening with Matt Mullenger,...
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Cornucopia of call for speakers tips
Before even speaking at a conference, you need to be accepted (duh), which mean that you need to submit your talk to the CFP (Call for Proposals). We commonly call those "call for speakers"....
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Awesome Chrome Extensions
I thought it would be useful to list the Chrome extensions I'm currently using as I share some of them every now, and then. So think of this as a GitHub awesome lists, but not community-curated! Here...
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Please read this before receiving feedback from me
When I evaluate or review something for you, no matter that it is (i.e., blog posts, resumes, conference talks, open source projects...), I do it with the goal of helping you or your team. Never doubt...
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3 words for 2023
It's been a couple of years that I'm defining three words instead of a standard resolution. The big difference is that they are guidance, not things I absolutely need to do. One may see this as a lack...
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I'm joining Kubefirst
Today is my first day as a Principal Developer Advocate at Kubefirst, a fully automated open source Kubernetes platform to provide cloud infrastructure management and software delivery in minutes....
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samples of past work
Writing Announcement: 401 & scoped packages for npm Book: Success in Programming published at Apress Documentation: Mindee [efn_note]it was a team effort, but I was responsible for the vision,...
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Cornucopia of public speaking tips
Originally published on Mindee's blog. Speech communication is a soft skill that is important regardless of the job you have. Public speaking is not just for adventurous people looking to participate...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty - #14
It is the kind of thing you do not want to wait until you really need to do it, trust me (CW: depression, suicidal thoughts). It shouldn't be an after thought. It shouldn't be a shameful topic. We...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty - #13
The word ego isn't a bad one in itself: it denotes one's opinion of their own value or importance. There is that non-written rule about it though. We mostly always use it with a negative connotation....
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #12
Being busy is not a badge of honor. Having too many things piled up on a daily basis is preventing you from seizing the moment. It is a barrier to impromptu opportunities. Occupying every minute of...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #11
I'm not talking here about the song that haunted parents, or should I say, everyone for years. What I want to verbalize here, is letting go anything you are attached to that causes you pain. The first...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #10
My Buddhism teacher would say that, it's giving yourself too much importance, and she is right! No matter what happened or what people said, most of the time, it's not even about you or against you....
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #09
They are not pleasant. They are not easy. They don't always generate the outcomes you expected. As much as you want to avoid them, you need to have the difficult conversations. They are the ones that...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #08
Impermanence is one of the concepts I learned during my Buddhism courses. But you can disconnect the idea from the philosophy. Nothing is permanent. It's a universal truth. All things and living...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #07
We live in an individualism world: it's all about oneself. It is like that in every sphere of one's life, including information. The thing is, we should share the knowledge we have. We should use our...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #06
Traveling to new places is, depending on the locations, opening your mind to new cultures. It's marveling your eyes with paysages you only dreamed of. It's creating relationships with people around...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #05
No one ever said on their deathbed 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office' — Harold Kushner I love my job: most of the time, it doesn't feel like work. Still, I work because I need money to...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #04
Remember death. Remember that you will die! In the Western world, we don't like to talk about death, or the uncertainty of our time on earth. We should talk about it, to make it less taboo. You should...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #03
Being open-minded means welcoming new ideas or information. Especially if a priori, you disagree with them or they challenge your belief system. In a broader sense, it can also mean being favorable to...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #02
I'm serious! Get toxic people out of your life, and the sooner the better! You can try, once, to resonate with them, and explaining to them why you feel they aren't good for you. Explained in a proper...
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40 Life Tips Before Forty #01
I'm turning 40 in March: watch out midlife crisis! It's a pretty huge milestone, so I had the idea to share one tip per day until March 4. A way to celebrate and to share the *cough* *cough* wisdom I...
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Say hi to the new Director of Developer Relations at Mindee
I can't believe I was able to keep my mouth shut for that long, but here it is, the announcement of my new adventure! I'm joining Mindee (pronounce "mind-dee") as their first Director of...
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Let's Do Epic Shit Together
I am now actively looking for found my next challenge 🎉: a place I'll be able to call home for many years to come. If you think you have a role for me, here is a cheat sheet for you to evaluate if I...
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3 words for 2021
We are finally done with 2020! Obviously, this year will get some reverberating effects from the last awful one, but let's hope for the best. New years means resolutions for many. For me, it's been a...
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I'm joining MeiliSearch as their Director of Developer Relations
Pandemic aside, the last months were a hell of a ride, but it was worth it: I found the perfect role for me! By the end of November, I'll start a new job at MeiliSearch as their Director of Developer...
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Nothing Is Permanent
I had a couple of aha moments since I started studying Tibetan Buddhism with a teacher. One of those was about impermanence. It's one of the important teachings of this philosophy: everything is...
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Finding Happiness in the Small Things
This afternoon I was walking from the florist where I acquired three small plants. First since I adopted my first cat, Java, who was eating them and getting sick. On my way back, I decided to stop at...
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Hiring me in Québec, Canada
So you want to hire me as an employee, but you don't have a legal entity in Canada. Lucky for you, there are two easy solutions. First, you can create a legal entity in Canada: it's fast, inexpensive...
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My Home Office & Recording Setup
The picture isn't updated: I have new monitors & rearranged the light arms for cleaner desk. Disclaimer : I invested a lot of money in my physical setup. Keep in mind that online conferences and...
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Wanna Work with Me?
Let's be honest, looking for a job isn't something I enjoy, yet, here I am, searching for my next role. I dream of finding a company that understand developer relations and where I'll be able to grow...
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Too Many Jobs for My Own Good
I'm proud of the career I have and what I achieved in the last couple of years. I acquired a great deal of experience as a software developer and now, as a developer advocate. One thing that may worry...
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My 3 words for 2020
Last year, I decided not to choose my 3 words for 2019. I thought that this exercise wasn't that useful. I realized now that I was wrong. They had a bigger impact than I thought, and it's why I'm back...
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My little girl
I miss her. I miss my little girl. I miss Java, my cat. I loved her. I love her. Two weeks ago, she left me. She was too sick. I had to. I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to keep her still. I wanted us...
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6 months at DigitalOcean
Time flies. Six months ago, I started a new role at DigitalOcean, aka DO. I was coming in with a lot of excitement about this new challenge. I was also bringing a lot of apprehensions based on recent...
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What to do in Montréal
I often get asked what to do when someone is visiting my city for the first time, so here is a quick, opinionated, far from complete list of must in Montréal. Keep in mind that winter is really cold...
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What Would A Healthy Person Do - my physical health journey
Some beliefs you have are limiting your potential. Things that you consider true, that you see as facts can have a negative impact on your life. For me, two strong ones are that I'm not a cook, and I...
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I look like the Happy Buddha, but it's not why I meditate daily
In the last years, I started to take my mental health more seriously. One tool I discovered is meditation. It's been about a year now that I meditate daily. Of course, it wasn't without struggles,...
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working with me
Working with a new coworker is like taking a walk in an unknown city. You aren't sure what to expect. You don't know if you will like it. You're not even sure if the local culture will align with...
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Is a developer advocate role for me?
When I started my first role as a developer advocate in 2011, it was still an obscure one and not as popular as today. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing: I'm stoked that it's getting more and more...
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I'm diving in & joining DigitalOcean
After the #npmlayoffs, I was left with a bitter taste and no job, but it's a good time to be a Developer Advocate my friends. Even more when you live to your values, and stay true to yourself! I'm...
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Welcome to
Welcome to my new site, I’m really excited about this domain name and the way the theme is coming along. As I mentioned in my goodbye article on my last home on the web since 2011 (blogging...
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I'm joining npm as their new Developer Advocate
For those of you that didn't follow my journey for the past two months, prepare yourself for a 360! I'm still in Montréal and it's my first day at npm as their new Developer Advocate. I won't go much...
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I'm moving to San Francisco and joining Uber as their first Developer Advocate
As I'm writing these lines, I can't think of anything else than this blog: out of comfort zone. Unfortunately, Fitbit wasn't a good fit for me (pun intended), but I had the chance to work with so many...
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How to look for a technical evangelist job
It's a great time to start a new role as a Technical Evangelist even if you have never done it before. Many companies are looking to hire talented people to help them being successful within the...
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My 3 words for 2018
Six years ago, I decided to move away from new year’s resolutions. Instead, I'm choosing three words that are guiding me through the next 365 days. It may feel the same, but it's different and working...
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What is a Developer Advocate?
Developer Advocate and Technical Evangelist roles are more common than when I started. Still, the definition behind these titles can be quite different from one place to another. It's also a source of...
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I'm joining Fitbit as their Senior Developer Advocate
After some well-deserved vacations, I started my search for a new challenge two months ago and I'm happy to announce that today is my first day as a Fitbit Senior Developer Advocate. It's an exciting...
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The day I lost my mother
Today is my mom's birthday: she would have been seventy-eight years old. Unfortunately, she passed away a little more than a year ago. That day, I lost the woman of my life... Many years ago, after...
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Why I won't write code demos, articles or new talks in your interview process
I'm currently looking for my next challenge, mostly as a Developer Advocate, which means, I started some very interesting discussions, and as a matter of fact, ended some other for different...
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Developer Advocate - where soft skills become hard skills
I've had a couple of discussions recently about technical evangelists, or if you prefer, developer advocates role. Those terms are better known than they used to be, but the definition of the job...
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Stop Glorifying Busyness
- How are you? - Crazy busy, how about you? - I hear you, I have too much on my plate right now. Is it the type of small talk that ring a bell? For too long, I was either the one answering that...
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Online is good. Offline is the secret sauce.
There is no doubt, if you want to scale your outreach and grow your network, online is the way to go. No matter the tools you are using to get in touch with your people, online is good. Yet, if you...
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The WWW and me...
When I have discussions about what's next for me (2017 article, still hold a lot of truth) and one question always comes back: where can I find more information about what you've done in your previous...
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Hiring someone is a bidirectional process
A little more than three weeks ago, I announced that I was ending my adventure as a freelancer. Since, I focussed on finishing my contracts and got some me time, basically to recover from a nasty...
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I just want to make shit happen - looking for a new opportunity
Please check Let’s Do Epic Shit Together instead Going back as a freelancer was not that hard for me. My expertise, my network, my experience (being a former Technical Evangelist at Microsoft and...
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My 3 words for 2017
It's been five years now that I'm giving a direction to the new year by using three words instead of a specific resolution. In 2013, I used kaizen, time and discovery. In 2014, my words were quality,...
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Free stickers - show others that you are a lion
As I a mentioned in February, I decided to start my own business and go back to the marvellous world of freelancing with No lion is born king. No need to say that it's an interesting time, not always...
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The Day I Wanted to Kill Myself
[wppd_disclaimer title="Content Warning" title_tag="h1" style="yellow" icon="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" icon_size="lg"]This article content sensitive...
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Happiness - the minimalist way
I'll spare you the details for now, but last year wasn't easy for me. Since, I'm slowly assessing my life to understand how I can reach my actual life goal: being as happy as I can be. One realization...
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Open for new contracts
After a couple of weeks off, I’m back! Actually, it’s been two weeks that I’m working with customers, but I’m now ready to take more. Yes, that mean I decided to do some freelance work right now and...
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Looking for a new challenge
It's the beginning of a new year, which means a blank slate to move forward, improve yourself, and enhance your life. Personally, I'm starting the year looking for a new full-time job! Over the last...
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My 3 words for 2016
I was impatiently waiting for 2016: I know it's psychological, but the first of January is like a new chapter, a blank slate to start over, to do better. I don't believe in New Year’s resolutions as...
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Tips for your first presentation
When I’m doing talks on personal branding, I’m always telling people that one way to help your brand is to start doing public speaking. Following that advice, someone I meet recently sent me an email...
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Looking for a job or to recruit someone? This is how I can help you.
There is no secret there: the love, support, and help of the global tech community is one of the reasons I consider myself successful today. Recognizing it, I try to give back as much as I can. One of...
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Music is about emotions
What happen when you listen to music? You feel happy or sad? Are you ready to conquer the world or just find the energy to finish that gym training? You remember the love of your life or that time...
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Stop complaining
Did you ever take the time to look truly at your social media feed? I did a couple of days ago, and I realized that status and tweets could mostly all be placed in two buckets: people complaining...
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West Island developers also need to think about their brand
In approximatively two weeks, I'll speak at the West Island Developers and Entrepreneurs Meetup (group doesn't exist anymore) about personal branding for developers. You know it's one of my passion,...
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Private access of IMMUNIO for my RoR friends
I'm in the middle of my third weeks at IMMUNIO, and I'm having a blast. I tried our product, and I'm so excited about it, that I want to give a privileged access to my Ruby on Rails friends. Firstly,...
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I'm joining IMMUNIO as their Technical Evangelist
Today is my first day as a Sr. Technical Evangelist at IMMUNIO. I'm excited about this new challenge: the product is for web developers, which is where my experience and love belongs. I'll also have...
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Responsive Web Design at JavaScript Open Day Vancouver
Today I'm in the beautiful Vancouver speaking at the JavaScript Open Day event. There aren't a lot of talks I give more than once, but this presentation about responsive web design is one I like to...
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No bullshit policy
Many things are happening in my life right now, and I realize it's the result of me, lying to myself. You know, trying to convince yourself it's the right decision even if it's not. Trying to...
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The gift you can give me
I turned thirty-three today. I have a tradition on my birthday since a couple of years now: I take the day off, and treat myself. I started the morning with a yummy breakfast at the restaurant, and...
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Stop blaming others
It's others fault if I can't do what I want to do today. It's because of him I cannot get the job I want. If it weren't for her, I would be able to get to bed earlier. Ever said something like this? I...
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Parlons Personal Branding avec les membres de PHP Québec
Ce jeudi je présenterais pour la deuxième fois à PHP Québec, mais non pas pour parler de PHP, mais bien pour discuter de l'importance du personal branding. Malgré le nom du groupe, PHP Québec est le...
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How many people will attend my event?
A new user group organizer contacted me to ask this simple question: from your experience, when people say "YES" to attend an event, what percentage of those people actually show up. You...
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My 5 rules to be a good citizen
I've been using for many years as an attendee, but also as an organizer of HTML5mtl and Yuldev. I think I can say it's now the de facto platform for anyone who wants to create a user group....
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Asking for sponsorship to speak: a lack of respect for the attendees
When people pay to attend a conference, they do it for a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is to learn from great speakers and experts in the industry. Yes, the networking opportunities are awesome....
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Prospérité Québec, une campagne du conseil du patronat du Québec
Depuis que je m'implique un peu plus dans le milieu des affaires et la communauté des technologies de Montréal, j'ai découvert un potentiel énorme au Québec et plus précisément à Montréal. N'y voyez...
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Do you have a bozo list?
I'm reading the biography of Steve Jobs. He was always classifying people in different buckets, and one of those categories was bozos. The people he didn't like or didn't trust. The ones that didn't...
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Codementor Office Hours on Personal Branding for developers
Since my book on personal branding for developers is now available, I also want to continue to share about the subject on this blog, but also at conferences. It's why, on January 29th at 10AM (PDT),...
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Internet freedom with my internet stick from Rogers
Being a Rogers Ambassador in Canada, Rogers offered me their internet stick with one of their data plan. I was quite happy as even if I'm working at home most of the time, I consider any public places...
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The day I was ashamed of myself
If you know me, you realized a long time ago I'm someone positive. I like my life, and I enjoy myself. Life is too short to be sad, live in the past or be annoyed by things you have the power to...
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Create opportunities
One of my word for 2015 is health. As I wrote, it means more than just going to the gym, and eat healthier, but let's be honest, it's a huge part of it. It's something I'm struggling with: I don't...
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My 3 words for 2015
It's now a tradition: every year, I write down my three words of the year. Instead of taking a resolution, I focus the year to come on words that will help me drive my behavior, and some results I'm...
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Welcome to the chapter one of the rest of your life
I feel like we just started 2014, and yet, it's already the first day of 2015. I wish you, your friends and your family a happy new year. Actually, I wish you more than that... Too often, a new year...
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Merry Christmas
The more I'm getting older, the less I care about Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I like to receive gifts, but I prefer to give all year long than concentrate it on a single day. Let's be honest, it's...
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Welcome to the simple version of my site
I've been using Wordpress for more than ten years, and even if it's a great piece of software, he doesn't fill my actual needs anymore. I want my time on this site to be focussed on blogging, not...
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My Personal Branding for developers book is out
I'm thrilled to announce that my book on personal branding for developers is now available at Apress: Success in Programming, How to Gain Recognition, Power, and Influence Through Personal Branding....
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I'm joining Mashape as the Head of Developer Relations
Yes, leaving Mozilla without knowing where to go next was a bold move, but it paid off. This last couple of weeks were, let's say, quite good for self-esteem. I had a lot of great discussions with...
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Firefox OS - HTML for the mobile web at All Things Open
Every time I speak at a conference, I feel bless to be able to do so. For me, it's a great opportunity to share my passion as expertise about technology. For All Things Open, I was happy to be part of...
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You recruitment, and interview process reveals a lot more about you, and your company than you would expect
Looking for a new challenge is always an interesting experience, and this time is no exception. Since I announced I was leaving Mozilla, I've been contacted by many human resources departments,...
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The 50 questions you want to ask when applying for a technical evangelist role
Since I'm looking for my next challenge, I'm discussing with many people about possible roles in their company. Most of those jobs are Technical Evangelist one, which makes sense from my background,...
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I’m leaving Mozilla, looking for a new challenge
January 1st (or before if needed) will be my last day as a Senior Technical Evangelist at Mozilla. I truly believe in the Mozilla's mission, and I'll continue to share my passion for the open web, but...
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The Future of work project: my interview
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked by Mathieu Laferrière to answer a couple of questions about the future of work. He was conducting interviews for the future of work project of Bill Jensen. In this...
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Movistar MOVE event in Uruguay
At the last day of October, I'll be in Montevideo in Uruguay at the MOVE event from Movistar. I'll give a high-level talk about Firefox OS, and Mozilla vision for the future of the web. My talk will...
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Job titles are important
All employers expect you to give your 100% at work: doing the best that you can with the expertise, and experience you have. After all, you are being paid to do the work. Having a different title...
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Some people are toxic, run while you can!
There are people that I defined as toxic. They are the ones who are often sad because, as they say; the world is against them. They are the one who gets mad at the first occasion. They are the one who...
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DevFest Nantes 2014 aura sa présentation sur Firefox OS
DevFest Nantes, organisé par le Google Developer Group local, en est à sa troisième édition. Je suis bien heureux d'avoir été invité à présenter sur Firefox OS par les organisateurs, car ceci démontre...
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Firefox OS, une plateforme à découvrir au IO Saglac
Il y a déjà trois semaines, je faisais six heures de voiture pour me rendre à Alma: un petit coin de pays que je n'avais jamais eu le plaisir de visiter. En effet, j'ai été présenté au Saglac IO, un...
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Building web mobile app that don't suck at Web Unleashed
Two weeks ago, I was in Toronto for the last day of Web Unleashed from FITC. I was giving a talk on how to build web mobile app that don't suck. It turns out that those tricks were good for all web...
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L’état de l'Open Source en 2014 au Salon du Logiciel Libre et des technologies ouvertes du Québec
Il y a deux semaines, je me dirigeais à Québec pour présenter au Salon du Logiciel Libre et des technologies ouvertes du Québec (S2LQ). Lorsqu'on m'a approché pour présenter, je ne savais trop de quoi...
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The most marketable skill in the job market: communication!
The folks at Webucator asked me to write a blog post about what I thought is the most marketable skill to help recent graduates people to enter the job market. Without a doubt, my first thought was...
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HTML, not just for desktops at Congreso Universitario Móvil
At the beginning of the month, I was in Mexico to represent Mozilla at Congreso Universitario Móvil, an annual conference at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Unfortunately, I did not have...
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Questions d'un développeur nouvellement entrepreneur
Lors d'un des tout premiers YulDev, j'ai discuté avec un développeur qui venait de partir à son compte. Ayant été moi-même à mon compte, pour une durée d'environ un an, mais sachant que je...
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HTML for the Mobile Web at All Things Open
In about a month, I'll speak at All Things Open in Raleigh, North Carolina. I'm quite excited as even if I never attended this event, I hear a lot of good things about it. Funny enough, I don't go on...
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Mon retour à HTML5mtl
Il y a déjà presque trois ans, Mathieu Chartier, Benoît Piette et moi nous rencontrions dans un restaurant pour discuter à propos d'HTML5 et de Montréal. De cette discussion est né le groupe HTML5mtl...
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Firefox OS at the Congreso Universitario Movil in Mexico City
Tomorrow, I'll join the students as the developers from Mexico at the Congreso Universitario Movil to share about Firefox OS. Firstly, I'll do a keynote about the fact that HTML is not just for...
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Alors, alors L'autre c'est peut-être toi, va...
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Know when you lost a battle
In life, you need to choose your battles. Some are not worth your time, but obviously, some are. You fight them with time, and with energy. You have some high; you have some low. You fail, but you...
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Linux Meetup Montréal et son intérêt pour Mozilla
Hier soir je présentais au groupe Linux Meetup Montréal non à propos de Linux, mais bien au sujet de Mozilla, Firefox OS, mais aussi Firefox. L'idée était de faire une présentation haut niveau, tout...
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HTML5 to the next level, the recording of my presentation at Montreal Python
Last month I spoke at the monthly Python Montréal meetup about, guess what, Firefox OS. I already uploaded the slides online, and now the recording of my...
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First impression matter
I learn recently that Mozilla was not sure to hire me after my in-person series of interviews. They thought I had no personality. It's funny. I don't remember why they could have had this impression,...
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Le web ouvert avec Firefox OS et Firefox à Linux Montréal
Mardi prochain, je serai au CRIM (situé au 405 avenue Ogilvy, suite 101) pour présenter à propos de Firefox OS, mais aussi de Firefox au groupe Linux Montréal. Lors de cette soirée, je ne discuterais...
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Community Evangelist: Firefox OS developer outreach at MozCamp India
At the end of June, I was in India to do a train the trainer session at MozCamp India. The purpose of the session Janet Swisher (first time we worked together, and I think we got a winning combo), and...
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One year at Mozilla
On July 15th last year, I was starting a new job at Mozilla: it was the beginning of a new journey. Today, it's been one year that I'm a Mozillian, and I'm proud. One year later One year later, I'm...
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Microsoft nominated me as a Most Valuable Professional
You read well; Microsoft nominated me, and I'm now a MVP, a Most Valuable Professional about Internet Explorer. For those of you that don't know, it's an important recognition in the Microsoft...
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Because I'm happy
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Getting the best out of your design with Responsive Web Design at Devoxx UK
First time in London and first time at Devoxx UK, I had the pleasure to present about Responsive Web Design. I was quite happy with the turn out; attendees were sitting on the floor, as Devoxx is a...
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Qu'est-ce que le YulDev?
Lors du dernier YulDev, l'ami Christian Aubry, armé de son équipement portable, a fait une capsule vidéo comme il avait l'habitude de faire lors des Yulblog et Yulbiz. Pour son premier vidéo au...
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I’m in London in United Kingdom, anything else a tourist should do?
I usually write those post before going somewhere new, but I did not have the time before. I'll be there all week, and won't have the time to visit until the weekend, so it give me time to adjust my...
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Is your life good?
Once in a while, I said to myself "Life is good". It happens without thinking about it, in different situations. I'm quite lucky, and I like my life. I made my luck, but again, I like my...
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Firefox OS à la semaine des technologies EPITA
Ce matin, j'avais le plaisir de présenter à propos de Firefox OS à Paris lors de la semaine des conférences technologiques de l'EPITA. Une semaine fort occupé pour les élèves qui ont écouté et...
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Coder pour l'amour de Montréal
Le 28 et 29 mai prochain, donc cette semaine, aura le lieu le hackathon Code(Love) à Montréal à la Maison Notman. Avec l'idée de créer des réponses concrètes aux défis sociaux, les participants de...
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Firefox OS love in the Python world
Yesterday, I was the Mozilla guy, talking about Firefox OS at Python Montreal in the Google office. Even if our hockey team was playing yesterday, since my talk was just before the beginning of the...
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Thinking about different devices viewport with Responsive Web Design at Devoxx UK
On the 12th, and 13th of June, I'll be in London, United Kingdom to speak at Devoxx UK. I'm happy to present at this event as I know it will be amazing, and it will be my first time in this country....
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HTML5 to the next level with Firefox OS at Python Montreal
On the 12nd of May, next Monday, I'll speak for the first time at Python Montreal. No, it's not gonna be about Python as I have no skills at all with this programming language. It has been on my todo...
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Publish a Firefox OS app, and get a free phone
If you already have a web application or a web game, or if you used PhoneGap (or Cordova) to build mobile application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I have an offer for you: I'll give you a free...
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Entrevue Firefox OS de Savoir Faire Linux à Pycon 2014
Je ne suis pas un développeur Python, mais j'ai tout de même été faire un petit tour à Pycon 2014 qui avait lieu il y a quelques jours. Comme cela se passait à Montréal, je voulais aller voir ce...
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Fixing the mobile web with Firefox OS at FITC Toronto
This morning I was presenting at FITC Toronto about Firefox OS. my goal to introduce the developers os and see how we can fix mobile web with html5, webapi. As usual, slides are available...
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How to get out of the crowd at Herzing College
Yesterday, I had the pleasure to do a talk at the Herzing College, the school I went to. They allocated me one hour with the students, so I decided to split my time in two parts. Firstly, I did a talk...
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Firefox OS à HTML5mtl
Mardi soir avait lieu la rencontre mensuelle d'HTML5mtl et j'ai eu le plaisir d'y présenter Firefox OS. Malgré la pluie et surtout, une partie des Canadiens, plusieurs développeurs se sont présentés...
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YulDev, connecting with other developers
Montreal's Developers, would you like to have more occasions to network with your peers, no matter which technology they are using? If it's the case, YulDev is for you: a new monthly meetup where you...
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The one time I sang with a live band
As you may know, I was part of a fundraising (French post) for the Marie-Vincent Foundation. I was one of the IT leaders in the Montreal industry, along with friends as the guys of Real Venture, to...
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Don't hurt Mozilla
The storm that hit Mozilla since a couple of days makes me sad... I'm in favor of gay marriage. I also have lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender friends. I would have the same opinion without them...
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HTML5 sur les stéroïdes à HTML5mtl
C'est avec un immense plaisir que je présenterais pour la troisième fois au groupe d'utilisateurs HTML5mtl le 22 avril prochain. Disons que j'ai une petite faiblesse pour ce groupe consacré à HTML...
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Empower Mobile Web Developers with JavaScript & WebAPI at PragueJS
HTML5 is a giant step in the right direction: it gives a lot more tools that developers need to create better experiences for users. The problem? It’s not there yet when it comes to web development...
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My life manifesto v3
In 2011, I created my life manifesto: it was a way for me to synthesize my thinking about life, and give me some guidance on how to live a happy one. In the end, we only have a limited number of hours...
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I'm going to Prague in Czech Republic, anything else a tourist should do?
Travelling for work give me great opportunities: I can discover new cities, and the next one, as you may know, is Prague. Funny enough, even if Prague is a popular destination, it's the one I have...
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No speakers, no conferences.
No speakers, no conferences. No one can argue against this, so it's why I think speakers deserve more respect for their work. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of great experiences as a speaker, but I...
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I'll speak at PragueJS, in Prague, Czech Republic
On the evening of the 27th of March, I'll be in Prague, Czech Republic to speak at their local JavaScript user group. Lately, my speaking gigs had the same goal: introduce people to Firefox OS. It's...
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My blog posts frequency
I've been blogging daily since a couple of months now, but eleven days ago, I stopped. It wasn't intentional as I had no shortage of post ideas: I still have more than one hundred fifty drafts waiting...
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Tips and tricks for people #57
Listing items without the prices on your website doesn't make me think at all that you believe your price aren't...
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Go out of your comfort zone, and fight your fears
I'm like Batman! Unfortunately, it's not because I'm a hero who saves lifes: it's because I was afraid of bats. Two years ago, a bat, visibly sick, entered our apartment. It was the first time I was...
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Life is too short - my silent retreat experience
I'm always thinking, always: this brain of mine never turns off. I'm thinking about blog posts, new projects, work... I can shut it down only when I'm sleeping, when I'm drunk or when I watch a movie....
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Going out of his comfort zone doesn't mean doing stuff you don't like
When I told my previous manager that I didn't like my role because it changed too much, he told me that I should be happy, as I like to go out of my comfort zone. I had a very good relationship with...
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Cherish feedbacks
We should cherish feedbacks. I'm not talking about non-constructive one: I'm talking about the one that make you learn, understand, and improve yourself. Being criticize isn't a bad thing. Our first...
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Don't be ashamed of self-promotion
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Let's be honest, we all use our social media channels to promote ourselves, and our...
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Street music #1
Everywhere I go I like to take pictures of beautiful street art, but there is another form of street art that I like: street music. All those musicians, sometimes very good, other time, not that...
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From shy introvert to colorful extrovert
People are always telling me that I'm lucky to be an extravert, that it's nice that speaking in front of people doesn't scare me or that I have the power to do everything I want because of my...
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Web first
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I evangelised mobile first, and responsive web design for years now. Not that I'll stop,...
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It's about how people perceive you
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> As a teenager, I was working in a bowling. One evening, my boss looked at me, and asked me...
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See you at FITC Toronto in April
I'm a big fan of the FITC conferences in Toronto: there always a lot of good talks, amazing people, and a creative flow all over the place. As far as I know, it's also the biggest tech conference we...
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Time is money
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I'm not a businessman who lives by the saying that time is money, but whether we like or...
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Tips and tricks for people #56
As you don't like something, it makes total sense that others shouldn't like it...
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No job is secure
Yesterday, someone told me that I should start looking for a new job as Mozilla is working to diversify is source of revenue by showing ads on new tab tiles. His point? If Mozilla is looking for new...
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Who are your rock star developers?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I know; many people don't like this rock star or ninja terms to qualify an exceptional...
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I'm going to Paris in France, anything else a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I appreciate all the feedbacks you gave me for previous travel destinations, so I'll...
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A better way to showcase my speaking experience
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> One thing I like to do when someone ask me to speak at their event, is to let them know...
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Rire de moi pour une bonne cause
Le 25 mars prochain aura lieu la soirée Marvin on the Rock au théâtre L'Olympia à Montréal. Animé par Gregory Charles, cet évènement pour la communauté technologique de Montréal se veut une...
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Tips and tricks for people #55
Congratulations, you are wearing a helmet while riding your bicycle, and I'm pretty sure it changes nothing that it's not...
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Une deuxième édition pour FailCamp Montréal
Il y a quelques mois, je mentionnais sur ce blogue que je n'allais pas faire de deuxième édition du FailCamp Montréal. Je ne pouvais demander mieux pour une première édition qu'une salle à pleine...
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Have you ever think about your personal brand?
Do you think personal branding is not for you? Why should you care about your own brand? After all, it’s not like you are an actor or the lead singer for a rock band. In fact, it’s never been more...
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You don't know everything, and it's OK
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I remember when I started as a Technical Evangelist: I wanted to know everything, and I...
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I don't care about my health, or do I?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I've never been a very active person, but it wasn't a problem, until a couple of years...
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You can't judge a book by its cover, but you do
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Wearing a suite was part of my day to day life a couple of years ago. Everyday, before...
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Tips and tricks for people #54
Treating your potential customers like idiots is probably the best way to conclude a...
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So it's your first flight, no worries, here are some thing you should think about
I remember my first flight: I was a bit stressed as it was a total new world for me. Everything is brand new: from getting your tickets, to check-in your baggages, to going threw security, and...
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Because there aren't enough cat pictures on the Internet: my first photography course homework
As I said in my post about creating slides worth of showing them, I'm taking two courses now, and one of them is about photography. This is a passion for me since a couple of years now, but since the...
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How to blog more often
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Don't get me wrong: I'm a huge fan of quality over quantity. On the other side, quantity...
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Make your slides worth of showing them
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Since two weeks, I'm back on the school bench: I'm taking a wine course from the SAQ, and...
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KWS Forum : Technologie, développement social et économique
Il y a de cela quelques mois, j'étais présentateur pour la première édition à Montréal du Kongossa Web Séries, un forum sur la technologie, le développement social et économique. Le sujet de ma...
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The only part of government that actually listens
<figure> <figcaption> Click to enlarge </figcaption> </figure> Thursday, I was out for dinner with some friends, and Mathieu was wearing this appropriate t-shirt for this...
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You are an influencer
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Yesterday, I was part of a panel on communication, and connection. At one point, we...
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I can't live without an Internet connection, and technology
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I just check-in at my hotel in San Francisco, and I have a couple of hours to do whatever...
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I have no software religion; I'm pragmatic
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Don't get me wrong, I have a really, really, really high preference on everything that is...
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The word respect lost his meaning...
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> In the last three months, I got two specific occasions where someone lacked of respect...
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Consuming more valuable content
I love books. Actually, it's not true: I like good, and valuable content. It happens that quite often, a book contains excellent stuff, but I have no attachment to the physical element. I don't read...
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Tips and tricks for people #53
A helmet won't be of any help if you have an accident while riding your...
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Street Art #2 - The king
<figure> <figcaption> Click to enlarge </figcaption> </figure> No matter what you think, for me, Michael Jackson is still the king of pop. It's why I was happy when I saw...
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Every talk is a product pitch
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Most of the conferences have one rule for their speakers: no product pitch. I think they...
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Expertise has a cost
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I was watching Rick Restorations show on the television the other day: it's a kind of...
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Shit happens, so what?
Saturday morning, I was waiting at the airport for my flight to San Francisco. As with many flights for the last week or so, it got delayed. I lost another three hours of my life at the airport,...
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Interested in communication, and connection? Join me at the ThoughtBasin panel.
On the evening of the 23rd of January, I'll be a speaker on a panel about communication, and connection with amazing people like Rami Sayar (more to be announce soon). This event, organized by...
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Say hi to my new friend the gnome
I wanted a logo, and I also wanted to try 99designs as I heard a lot about it in the startups space: since this logo was just for fun, and not a real need, I thought I could try it. I'm not a big fan...
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Tips and tricks for people #52
I'm pretty sure that being nice isn't a requirement or would be of any help if you work at customers service...
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Street art #1 - Be happy
Since a couple of months, I found a passion for street art. Mostly graffitis that are either a vehicle for a message, or just beautiful design. Don't get me wrong, I don't approve the degradation of...
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I'm going to Barcelona in Spain, anything else a tourist should do?
I know this series of post annoy some people, but trust me, it's not to brag about my travel! I have the pleasure to be part of the Mozilla team that will go to the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in...
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Firefox OS love in Toronto
Yesterday, I was in Toronto to share some Firefox OS love with my Canadian friends. I was invited to speak at a joint meetup with Mobile Startups Toronto, and HTML Toronto. The demo god wasn't with...
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Trace a line between the web, and your private life
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> People often tell me that I share a lot of things on the Web: it's true. As weird as it...
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Thinking about being nomad
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I like to travel. False, I like to discover new cultures, visit cities I've never been...
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Firefox OS at Mobile Startups Toronto, HTML5 Toronto, and online
A little less than one month ago, I was writing about a presentation on Firefox OS I'll do at Mobile Startups Toronto in January. It went fast as the event is already in two days... Since, HTML5...
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Tips and tricks for people #51
Don't give any details about the differences between the free, and the paid version of your application: I'm pretty sure it won't help you to sell more...
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I want a logo, any designer out there?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I don't know why, but I want a logo: maybe it's the next step...
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My 3 words for 2014
Since last year, thanks to my friend Fabrice Calando who introduced me to the concept, I'm choosing three words that will guide me through the new year. They are the foundation of what I want to...
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Happy New Year!
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> You, my friends, I wish you a Happy New Year! May this...
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My retrospective of my 2013's words
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> On the 7th days of 2013, I did a blog post to share with you what...
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My blogging review of 2013
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I read this kind of posts on many blogs: a...
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<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I'll start to eat healthier tomorrow. I'll search for a new...
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Don't accept the status quo
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Yesterday evening, I was watching the movie Jobs, about Steve Jobs. No matter if you are a...
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Merry Christmas
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> No matter the meaning of Christmas for you, celebrating at that time of the year is for...
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The evolvement of the tech industry - A Make Web Not War presentation at Devcamp Vancouver 2011
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Last week, I was talking with someone about my role as a Technical Evangelist: the person...
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Camp style events non-written rules
I participated to many barcamp/camp/unconference (more information on the Wikipedia article) style events, and I even hosted some of them. I was happy to see at the last I've been to, that many...
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Tips and tricks for people #50
No need to remove the snow from the top of your vehicle: there is no chance, while driving, that this snow goes off of your roof, and blocks the view from the car behind...
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I'm working on a personal branding book for developers
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> This year I got two book writing offers, but the technology/topic didn't interest me enough...
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Make the process frictionless
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> With everything is life, if you want people to do something, make the process frictionless...
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Working remotely isn't just an advantage for the worker
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> It's eight pm, and I got an eureka moment while watching the tv: I had a very annoying bug...
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True friendship
<figure> <figcaption> Mathieu Chartier, and I - Thanks to Eva Blue </figcaption> </figure> Nothing more to...
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Do you have a positive impact on other's life?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I like to share: it's why I'm doing public speaking, and blogging. I want to share my...
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You can't please everyone, get over it
If you don't like me, I don't care. This is an attitude I took a couple of years ago for one simple reason: I am who I am, and I won't change for you. I learnt a long time ago that you can't please...
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Mobile Startups Toronto, and Firefox OS as an opportunity
The year is not yet done that I'm starting to pack my speaking agenda for the next one. In January, I'll be in Toronto to talk about Firefox OS at the Mobile Startups TO user group. On January 8,...
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Free your mind
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I don't trust my memory anymore! Don't get me wrong, I'm not that old, but since I've read...
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Looking for a Windows 8 or Windows Phone freelancer? I know one of the best out there!
<figure> <figcaption> Sebastien (to the left), helping a developer at a hackathon </figcaption> </figure> While I was at Microsoft, I had the pleasure to work with talented...
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Tips and tricks for people #49
The best moment to have a loud conversation is absolutely when people are trying to sleep in an overnight...
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My presentations are Creative Commons: share them, use them, improve them...
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I want more people to do public speaking. I want more people to share their passion about...
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Being a treasure hunter in the 21st century with geocaching
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Last Thursday, I went to bed a bit upset: I was not able to find the two caches I wanted...
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You have no excuses: just do it!
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> One day, I was at the gym, and my inner voice was all about "I hate that shit. It's...
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Who is the new Microsoft guy in Montreal?
<figure> <figcaption> The new, and the old one... </figcaption> </figure> I've been the Microsoft guy in Montreal (Quebec) for almost three years, so I still get requests...
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<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> A couple of years ago, my boss told me "Fred, you should focus more, and stop doing a...
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The magic happens out of your comfort zone
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Someone asked me recently why I named my blog "Out of Comfort Zone", and that...
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Firefox OS loves at the Athens App Days
<figure> <figcaption> Click to see full size </figcaption> </figure> Yesterday I was invited to help support the Athens App Days. I did the first technical talk of the day,...
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Only in Verdun #1
<figure> <figcaption> Click to see full screen </figcaption> </figure> I think I'll start a series of post on stuff I see in my neighborhood, Verdun. For those of you that...
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Open Camera philosophy, or how to get more souvenirs
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I like photos more than anything else: they give me the opportunity to freeze in time a...
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Firefox OS, the platform you deserve - Budapest, Hungary
Yesterday, we were doing a Firefox OS workshop in Budapest, Hungary. It was, like always, a real pleasure to help all those hackers to create, or port their app to run on the amazing platform that is...
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Going to San Francisco in United States, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I'll approach those posts differently, as some people don't get them. I'm not asking...
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Ma carrière techno, l'enregistrement de ma présentation
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Ceux qui suivent mon blogue, savez que j'ai participé au programme "ma carrière...
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Firefox OS in Guadalajara, Mexico
<figure> <figcaption> Robert Nyman, myself, and Jorge Humberto Garcia GonzalezP - Click to see full resolution </figcaption> </figure> I usually do a blog post after my...
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Personal branding, the recording of my presentation
Remember the presentation I did on personal branding at Kongossa Web Series? I think it was one of the best presentations I did in my public speaking career, and I was a bit upset that I had a problem...
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Entrevue de Geeks and Com' sur Firefox OS
J'ai souvent la chance de croiser les membres de Geeks and Com' dans divers événements à Montréal: ils sont très actifs dans le milieu des communications, des TI, des médias sociaux et tout ce qui...
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The Mexican dance
I was in Guadalajara a couple of weeks ago for a Firefox OS workshop. I took two days off to visit the city, and for the first one, my friend, and colleague Robert Nyman was with me, and made this...
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So you want to find a co-founder for your startup idea in Montreal?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I've got asked quite often about the startup industry in Montreal: people have ideas, but...
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Going to Athens in Greece, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I like to travel, and I'm lucky enough to have a job that gives me this opportunity. After...
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How I became a Technical Evangelist
I often get questions about how to become an Evangelist. I can't give you a magic recipe, but I can tell you how I managed to land my dream job. Before I start, be sure to understand what the job is...
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How to be a good attendee
There are numerous posts out there about being a good speaker, but what about being a good attendee? I've been, and spoke to enough conferences to see what annoy the person on the stage. Since the...
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Cory Arcangel - Un art informatique aux accents pop
<figure> <figcaption> Émilie qui tente de tuer Warhol et non le colonel PFK </figcaption> </figure> Il y a quelques jours, la galerie DHC/ART m'a invité à venir visiter...
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Tips and tricks for people #48
There is nothing more useful than generic error...
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Help me move from physical disc to digital music
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> For years, music is part of my life: music is my life! I told you before, no pirating for...
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So you want to start blogging? If not, you should!
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> There are many things I realized in my life, and I spread those ideas to as many people as...
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Going to Budapest in Hungary, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I had an incredible time as a tourist in my last trips, and it's because of you: people...
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Firefox OS au Visual Studio Talkshow
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Il y a quelques jours j'ai participé au Visual Studio Talk Show, un podcast en français...
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Public speaking at Social Media Breakfast Montréal
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> This morning, I had the pleasure to speak at Social Media Breakfast Montréal about......
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Web & PHP magazine: articles on HTML5, and the cloud
During the summer, I contribute to Web & PHP magazine, a free, and online magazine around PHP, but also anything web related. I stopped my contribution to concentrate on other projects, but I...
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Ma carrière techno - notre responsabilité en tant que professionnel des TIC
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Il y a deux ou trois ans de cela, j'ai rencontré des gens de TECHNOCompétences dans une...
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Tips and tricks for people #47
Of course, talking out loud in a museum make perfect sense: it's not like if people wanted to relax, enjoy a good moment, and reflect about the meaning of those pieces of...
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So you don't have time? Bullshit!
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Since I'm seventeen years old, I'm involved in many projects. I used to be that guy who...
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No web version! Why do you hate me?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> We are living in a world of mobile application. Everyone, and their mother are creating an...
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Three months as a Mozillian
I wrote a post after my initial week, and after the first month, and now for me, it's a new milestone: three months. Yesterday was the last day of my probation at Mozilla, and I still have a job! More...
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Living with sleep apnea
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me about my own experience about sleep apnea...
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Make Web Not War TV - The importance of security with Philippe Gamache
The last interview I did at the Confoo conference in 2012, but also the last video I did for this unfinished Make Web Not War TV project was with [Philippe Gamache <iframe width="480"...
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Tips and tricks for people #46
Leaving the initial communication in an email conversation is of no use since you are the only person I sent an email...
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So you want me to speak at your event?
I got requests for speaking at user groups, conferences, workshops and hackathons or to participate in panels, so it's been a while that I'm thinking about doing a blog post on speaking requests: I...
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Social Media Breakfast - Public Speaking? No, thanks!
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> On the morning of Wednesday the 23rd of October, I'll have the pleasure to speak at the...
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My Twitter manifesto
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I was talking with the friend Christian Heilmann the other day, and he was highlighting...
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Make Web Not War TV - Make Web Not War at Microsoft with Keith Loo
For this eleventh (on twelve) interviews I did for the Make Web Not War TV, I had the pleasure to discuss with my friend, and former partner in crime, Keith Loo from Microsoft. Keith is now the Open...
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Tips and tricks for people #45
Even if you aren't totally bonded to the luggage carousel, I guarantee you'll be able to see yours when they'll arrive, and as a bonus, others will be capable of seeing...
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What does the Fred say?
What does the fox say? Yesterday evening, at the Mozilla Summit Party in Brussels (Belgium), Angelina Fabbro, another Technical Evangelist on my team, had this amazing hat (can I call this a hat?!),...
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Better comment at the source
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> It's been a while that I want to write this blog post, but the friend Nicolas Roberge,...
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Going to Guadalajara in Mexico, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> You don't have to tell me: I know I'm lucky to have a job that gives me the opportunity to...
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Make Web Not War TV - 3D printing with a Kinect, and Raymond Kao
As you probably already know, I made a series of interviews at Confoo last year. It was a good place for this as many excellent speakers, and developers were there. One of the interviews I did for...
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My life manifesto v2
Nearly two years ago, I did a blog post about my life manifesto. It was a way for me to "put on paper" the guidelines for my life: who I'll be, what I'll do, and how I'll do it. Those six...
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300$ for a swimsuit, please tell me this is a typo
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Tips and tricks for people #44
Creating a version of your game on multiple platforms is a good thing: having to start again on each of them, not as...
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How I'm managing my social media connections
I got a question from someone about how to manage our social media connections, mostly on professional networks. I would say that there is no unique way of doing it, even if a social media expert...
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Make Web Not War TV - Cross platform technologies with Raymond Tsang
This is the 9th video of a series of twelve interviews I did for my old project, Make Web Not War TV. Again during Confoo last year, I had a great discussion with Raymond Tsang from IdeaNotion. In...
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It's not just about developing your application; you need to market it
It's been a couple of years now that I'm a Technical Evangelist, and funny enough, often my discussions with developers turn around marketing. Many developers asked me how to get traction with their...
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Panel la guerre des apps: applications natives vs web
Applications natives vs applications web? Telle est la question qu'on me pose régulièrement. Pour en discuter, TP1 a organisé un panel qui aura lieu ce soir dans leurs bureaux. Je dois dire que je ne...
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Going to Brussels in Belgium, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> As I did with my first visit in Seattle, and the one in Krakow, I'm asking my friends,...
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Personal Branding, more important than ever
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: </figcaption> </figure> Yesterday, I did a talk at Kongossa Web Series about personal branding. It's a passion I...
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Tips and tricks for people #43
In a plane, taking the window seat is the best approach if you plan to get up every 30 minutes: even better if it's a long flight, people in the same row won't be annoyed at...
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Social Media Sumo
I found this drawing of Jeff Taylor, and I in my archives: it has been done by an attendee during my talk at the Social Media Breakfast. Nice one, but one thing is wrong: we were not fighting at all....
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Responsive Web Design in the sunny San Jose
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Two days ago, I did a keynote on Mobile First, and yesterday I did a presentation on...
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Mobile First at Web and PHP Conference
If you know me a little, you know that I'm all about the Web, and that I care about mobile experience. Even before being a developer, I'm a user, and I'm quick to complain on Twitter when I'm having a...
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Make Web Not War TV - Wordpress & Windows 8 with Bryan Xu
Still part of the series of videos I did for the Make Web Not War TV project I had when I was at Microsoft, I did an interview at Confoo with Bryan Xu from IdeaNotion. I had the please to work with...
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Des fois, je suis un fan fini
Merci à chérie qui a été au Comiccon Montréal hier et qui a fait la file pour m'avoir un autographe de François Pérusse! L'avoir su avant, j'y serais allé moi-même, mais nous avons vu qu'il était sur...
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Tips and tricks for people #42
When you have a problem with someone, the best approach is to let someone else know, not the concerned...
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What does the fox say?
[ <iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0"...
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Firefox OS tools & Web APIs in Krakow
Today I did two presentations at the Firefox Krakow workshop. The first one was an introduction to the tools you'll need to develop Firefox OS application: you don't need any special IDE, but you'll...
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KWS Montréal - Speakers Overview
I really like the promotional video that the people behind Kongossa Web Series (KWS) Montreal did, and trust me; it's not because I'm in. I think it's seriously a good way to showcase some of the...
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Make Web Not War TV - Windows Azure with Cory Fowler
I had the pleasure to meet Cory Fowler when I was a Microsoftie. He was one of the Windows Azure MVP (Most Valuable Professional), and join Microsoft as a Technical Evangelist maybe one year before I...
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FOXHACK, un hackathon Firefox OS à Montréal
Le samedi 28 septembre prochain aura lieu un hackathon Firefox OS à Montréal. Organisé par la Commune, Mozilla Québec, Startup Weekend Montréal, FACIL et en collaboration avec Mozilla, le premier...
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Tips and tricks for people #41
You know those lines on the parking ground; they have been drawn here just for you, so you can park your car between...
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Don't be ashamed of the programming languages you learned
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> As I'm always trying to find better ways to use my time, I started to listen to audio...
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How I choose when to write a blog post in French, or in English
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> This is a question I get quite often from people who are blogging or think about starting...
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Be strong for the ones you love
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> As I'm writing these lines, I'm sitting in the post-operations' waiting room. My mother...
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Make Web Not War TV - Open Data in Ottawa with Robert Giggey
I hope that my friends who had a long weekend, had a good one. For this Tuesday post, that feel like a Monday, I wanted to share another interview I did for my previous project, Make Web Not War TV,...
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Happy Labour Day
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: </figcaption> </figure> I never really care about Labour Day: for me, it was just another holiday. Of course, I always...
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Tips and tricks for people #40
Pour water on your hands doesn't count as washing...
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Once in a while, you should check your social media access permissions
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> One thing I do to help me being productive is to get out of my head everything that is...
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Going to Krakow in Poland, anything a tourist should do?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I'm very fortunate to have a job which gives me the opportunity to travel. When I was at...
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I did not subscribe to your newsletter
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Adding you as a connection on LinkedIn, doesn't mean I want you to add me to your...
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How to fix Windows Updates issues
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I was using Windows 8 on my Macbook Air as the only operating system. Since a couple of...
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Make Web Not War TV - Open Data with Stéphane Guidoin
Let's start this week with another interview I did for the project that I never had the time to finish at Microsoft, the Make Web Not War TV. This time, I did a couple of interviews at Confoo last...
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My English, nearly three years after
Nearly three years ago, I had to practice my English a little more as I was starting at Microsoft (in French) where the principal language was English since I was working with colleagues from all...
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Tips and tricks for people #39
Perhaps talking about yourself for one-third of your presentation is a little too...
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Life is too short, make it worthwhile
Life is too short! We need to experience new stuff, and discover unknown places: in other words, we need to live. It's been a while that I'm thinking about doing this series of posts, and now is the...
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Facebook is looking for new users
No, I'm not talking about, but the face detection that is working a little too...
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Make Web Not War TV - Jonathan Snook
Part of the series of interviews I did for the project I had, a Make Web Not War TV, I also had the pleasure to talk with Jonathan Snook, at the Web à Québec (they had an interesting line-up of...
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Make Web Not War TV - Josh Clark
I meet Josh Clark at the first edition of Go Beyond Pixels, and it was a real pleasure to meet him: he always has a smile on his face, and he is a very nice guy. When I saw he was speaking at the Web...
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Tips and tricks for people #38
In the word sidewalk, there is the verb walking, not...
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Keep calm and browse on
There are so many parodies of the Keep calm, and carry on poster used in the Second World War, and even if most of them are shitty, once in a while, I found a good one. A couple of weeks ago, the...
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TripIt, let's connect together
I opened a TripIt account when I started at Microsoft (French post) as I was going to travel a lot. At that time, it wasn't something I used much, and my account became a ghost account as we see many...
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The startup bullshit
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Don't get me wrong, I like the startups' world. I like the passion, the enthusiast, the...
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Kongossa Web Series Montreal
A couple of months ago, Franck Nlemba contacted me about a project he was working on: a conference in Montreal with the mission to help Africans to learn about all the possibilities they have when...
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Make Web Not War TV - Mike Kruzeniski
Here is another interview I did for my never born project, Make Web Not War TV, at the Web à Québec (website in French). I had the pleasure, on the first evening of the event, to interview Mike...
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6 years of freedom
<figure> <figcaption> The shitty picture we took yesterday at our traditional anniversary dinner at The Keg </figcaption> </figure> It's been six years today that we are...
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One month as a Firefox OS Technical Evangelist
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Time flies; I thought I started at Mozilla last week, but it's already been one month that...
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Web & PHP Conference, a free conference in San Jose
Some of you may know the Web & PHP magazine: a monthly online magazine about Web technology with a big focus on PHP. I'm happy to announce that the amazing folks behind this magazine are doing a...
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Make Web Not War TV - An unfinished project
</p When I was a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, part of my role was to lead our effort around non-Microsoft technology. To achieve this, I join the amazing team of Make Web Not War, and lead...
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Rogers lance un site d'information pour la Coupe Rogers
<figure> <figcaption> Crédit: Benoît Chamontin </figcaption> </figure> Je dois dire que je ne suis pas un grand fan de tennis: j'ai assisté 1-2 fois à des parties, j'ai bien...
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Working your magic with Firefox OS – Listen to orientation change
One of the things I tried to do in the Firefox OS application I'm building is to manage the screen orientation. I want my application to know when the user changed the orientation of the phone, so I...
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Tips and tricks for people #37
When you say that it won't take too long, it's usually already...
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Ginger & WYSIWYG, not playing well together
If you are using Ginger, the grammar corrector, with a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, like the one in Wordpress, be aware that Ginger may add spaghetti to your code. I'm trusting...
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Geek un jour, geek toujours à Médium Large de Radio-Canada
Hier matin j'ai eu le plaisir d'aller parler de Geek à l'émission de radio Médium Large diffusée à Radio-Canada. En compagnie de l'ami Alexandre Enkerli, ainsi que d'une nouvelle connaissance,...
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Working your magic with Firefox OS - Playing mp4
Everything you are looking for, about Firefox OS development, is either on the Firefox MarketPlace Developer Hub or on the Mozilla Developer Network. We are also publishing blog posts on our blog,...
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Failcamp Montréal n'aura pas de deuxième édition
Très (trop) souvent, j'ai des idées de projets, des fois reliés au monde des TI, des fois non. J'ai eu une passe où chaque idée que je considérais valable voyait le jour, peu importe le créneau. Ces...
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I'm here to help you with Firefox OS
As you probably know now, my new role at Mozilla is all about Firefox OS. I'll have opportunities to do broader Open Web stuff like the friends (and now co-workers) Christian Heilmann, and Robert...
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A sticker I never thought I would see in a Mozilla office
Of course, I'm not talking about the GitHub or the...
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Tips and tricks for people #36
I don't have kids, but I am pretty sure that there is all the place you need in the washroom to change the diaper of your baby, and that you don't need to do it on the restaurant bench next to people...
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First week done as a Mozillian
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Today I'm starting my second week as a Technical Evangelist at Mozilla focusing...
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Le Geek Show 3.0, un spectacle d'humour à ne pas manquer
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: ZooFest </figcaption> </figure> Cette année encore, ZooFest accueille le Geek Show et ce n'est pas pour me déplaire. Ils en sont à leur...
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Thanks Microsoft
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: </figcaption> </figure> I'm a big believer in the fact that you learn something in mostly everything you do. I learn a...
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Tips and tricks for people #35
In a tea room, for the respect of all other customers, whispering is a good...
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Sometimes, I'm not that proud of Verdun
Seriously? I mean, the wall painting was not beautiful, and now, they added some distaff to fit the wall. At least, if it was for kids I would understand, but there is nothing there for kids: no toys,...
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Take the red pill and enter the Matrix
I just found in my draft folder a post about an online presentation I did one year ago on WebMatrix. Even if the software as evolved in the last year, and that it wasn't one of my priority anymore, I...
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HTML5 challenge #2 – Web Socket
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I have neglected you with the HTML5 challenge, but trust me, I had a lot to do...
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A few other tricks about public speaking and stage technology
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> The friend, and future co-worker Christian Heilmann did a good blog post by giving some...
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I'm crowdsourcing my bio
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Don't overreact, the title is just to get you to this post as I'm not really crowdsourcing...
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Do you want to become the next Technical Evangelist at Microsoft Canada?
<figure> <figcaption> Most of these people aren't on the team anymore (we don't have a recent team picture), but I can guarantee they are all awesome...
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I'm joining Mozilla
It was a bold move to leave Microsoft without knowing what would be next, but it was also a great experience. I was impatient to write a blog post about my new role, and that day has come as I...
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I'm a Tea Princess
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> In today's world, we can capture everything with our smartphones... even videos like this...
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I think you're....
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Guess which one I...
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What can you expect from me as an Evangelist?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> You probably know it by now, I'm looking for a new opportunity as I'm leaving Microsoft....
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The most dressed I can be
This is so me, the yellow tie, belt, and shoes... This is the outfit I wore at Emilie cousin's...
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I'm leaving Microsoft, looking for a new opportunity
<figure> <figcaption> I really like this picture as you probably know. I have the feeling that it represents well my journey at Microsoft. </figcaption> </figure> For two...
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Social Media roundtable at the McGill Writing Centre
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> You know me, I like to share with others. I also like social media, and I'm a big believer...
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HTML5 Challenge #1 - The result
Two weeks One month (I decided to give one month as requested by many people) have passed since I put the first challenge online, so it's now the time to show you my solution. On one side, for my own...
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FounderFuel et l’entrepreneuriat à Montréal
Depuis quelques semaines, nous avons (Microsoft) une salle nommée le BizSpark lounge (en anglais) à la maison Notman. Un minimum d'une fois par semaine, je me rends sur place pour rencontrer des...
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Tips and tricks for people #34
If you are showing or doing code examples in your presentation, change the font to a really big one or zoom on important parts of the code so your audience in the back will be able to follow-up with...
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Designing a Windows Store app
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: </figcaption> </figure> Part of the first event we did a couple of weeks ago in Toronto with our friends of...
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Tips and tricks for people #33
If you are not a nutritionist, a trainer, a kinesiologist or someone who had to lose weight, please keep your fabulous tips for yourself, it's...
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Building Windows Store Apps, More Exciting Than A Unicorn in Wonderland
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright: </figcaption> </figure> You are so passionate! It’s Saturday morning, a bit of drool near your mouth, your pillow printed...
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So you want to work at home?
<figure> <figcaption> A picture of me in 2010 when I was a entrepreneur </figcaption> </figure> I don't know why, but I have something with blog...
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HTML5 & Windows 8, friends with benefits
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright Chow Productions Inc.: </figcaption> </figure> In March, I was in Toronto for a Windows 8 event that DevTO, HTML5...
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Soyez remercié comme il se doit
Finissons ce vendredi avec une photo que je n'arrive pas à bien qualifier. Prise dans la toilette d'un Esso à Pointe-Saint-Charles, cette magnifique affiche laminée, qui part d'une bonne volonté j'en...
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HTML5 challenge #1 - Canvas & File API
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> For the first challenge, let's start with an element that raise a lot of...
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Tips and tricks for people #32
Bringing your kid to the gym is one thing, as there is a kids' corner with some toys, and movies: letting her go everywhere without watching her as she can clearly hurt herself, is...
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Kobo Town, Jumbie in the Jukebox... a festive music
Once in a while, music companies send me albums or show tickets as they know that I'm a big fan of music. Even if I have no obligation, every time a company gives me something, I try to do a blog...
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Erreur 404
Bien joué aux gens de la boutique informatique de la coop de l'UQÀM. Ça fait changement des messages standards de déménagement... P.-S. Merci à l'imbécile qui a fait un graffiti sur la fenêtre... je...
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Le Festival Geek est de retour
Je me souviens encore du 22 juillet 2009, le jour où j'ai décidé de lancer l'idée de faire un Festival Geek à Montréal (aka GeekFestMtl). Ce fut hallucinant de voir tous les commentaires positifs des...
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Tips and tricks for people #31
As a speaker, don't read your slides, they are a visual support for your...
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HTML5 challenges, are you ready?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Since I joined Microsoft, part of what I'm doing is promoting Web standards. It's...
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Building Windows 8 apps, more exciting than a unicorn in wonderland
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Today I was in Toronto for the second Toronto user group workshop on Windows 8 with HTML5...
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Dance like nobody's watching
Watch this video before reading the rest of this post. <iframe width="480" height="270" src=""...
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Please leave a tip or...
God will know... Saw this tip "jar" at the Daily Dozen Doughnut Company last time I was in Seattle. It always makes me laugh. By the way, if you go to Seattle, take some time to go to...
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Portrait de blogueurs se termine ici
Ceux qui me connaissent depuis quelques années savent qu'il y a environ 2-3 ans j'avais parti une série de vidéo nommé Portrait de blogueurs. Cela fait environ 2 ans que je n'ai pas faits d'entrevue...
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Tips and tricks for people #30
If you gave me a deadline for a specific task, please respect also the deadline on your side before asking me if the task is...
read article -, une plateforme de participation citoyenne
Il y a un peu moins de deux semaines, j'ai vu que les amies de Nord Ouvert (une OBNL) font une campagne sur IndieGogo pour ramasser des fonds qui iront dans la l'entretien du site, mais...
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Do you recognize your local high speed Internet & cable provider?
I don't know about you, but I found this fake ad so hilarious, and at the same time, so sad as it's really true for Canadians! It makes me think about the project triangle, choose two of these three...
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Tips and tricks for people #29
If the pedestrian red light or the traffic red one is on, there is only one thing to understand: you can't cross the...
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Obvious placard is obvious
I took this picture last time I was in Seattle. I'm a big Starbucks fan, but seriously? Oh, I get it! It's for people who are walking, and watching their phone at the same time: they won't miss the...
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I won't give you the answer
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> From the time I had to help other developers, had interns, lead development team, became...
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Tips and tricks for people #28
The best way to promote whatever is to add me, without my consent, to your mailing...
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Now is the perfect moment
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Don't wait for the perfect idea. Don't wait for a better moment. Don't wait at all! Now is...
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My new USB cable... Seriously? iLuv! P.S.: Hey, I didn't choose it! I bought it at the Seattle airport as I lost mine, and it was the only one...
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A colorful raccoon
Since it's a busy time of the year, and that I don't have a lot of time for personal blogging, I figured out I would share with you a picture I took in Seattle last week. I like graffiti. Not those...
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Tips and tricks for people #27
If you send me an email, except if it's critical, there is no need to ping me also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for the same...
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Confoo 2013, and an amazing hackathon
This year again, the Confoo conference will happen in Montreal at the end of February. I will be there, again, with the Make Web Not War team as we found that Confoo is a great place to learn, share,...
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Guest blog posts
I'm asked quite often for guest blogging on this site, so let me share my thoughts on that so it's clear. I find guest blogging a really good idea overall. It brings value to the guest bloggers who...
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Tips and tricks for people #26
Please, don't take more than one lid for your cup of coffee, and if you do, don't even think about putting back the surplus, that by the bye, you touched with your hands, in the...
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Web-In 2012
La vidéo n'est plus disponible. Vendredi passé, Alliance Numérique a mis en ligne une vidéo promotionnelle du Web-In basée sur l'édition de 2012 qui a eu lieu en novembre dernier. Lors de la première...
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2 years as a Microsoftie
On the last day of 2012, it has been 2 years that I'm a Microsoftie (internal name for a Microsoft employee). As things are related for now, it has also been two years that I'm being paid to do what...
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So you want to be an Evangelist?
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright David Champagne </figcaption> </figure> Update: read my updated definition of the role. It's been a couple of times...
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My 3 words for 2013
Last year I took some specific resolutions, and 4 days ago, I did a quick review of my last year. The bottom line was that, having resolutions is not a bad idea, but it's not the perfect scenarios....
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2012, a good year for me
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Last year, I did a list of things I wanted to achieve in 2012. It was like a big list of...
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What would happen if you died today?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> What would happen if the Maya were right? What would happen if you died today? This...
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There is more than one way to be educated
<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This video...
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Take the time to live
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I am busy. You are busy. We are busy. Everybody is busy. Maybe too much? It's Mathieu...
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Ma foi en l'humanité a atteint un seuil critique
À la fin du Mobiz la semaine passée, je suis revenu à ma voiture et j'y ai vu un papier accroché à ma vitre. Mon premier réflexe fut de regarder si ma voiture n'avait rien. Ensuite, j'ai vu ce message...
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HTML5, une révolution à plusieurs niveaux
Cet après-midi j'ai fait un survol rapide de 45 minutes sur HTML5 au Mobiz. J'en ai profité pour introduire quelques éléments que je considère révolutionnaire pour HTML5, des éléments que l'on peut...
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Mobile First au Web-In
Ce matin je démarrais la conférence Web-In à Montréal avec un keynote sur le principe de Mobile First. Le principe ayant été lancé il y a plus de 3 ans maintenant, ce n'est que depuis peu qu'on sent...
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Quand une loi protégeant ma langue limite mes choix
En magasinant en ligne hier sur le site de [Best BuyIci, je ne veux pas partir un débat sur la loi 101, mais je suis curieux. Ardent magasineur en ligne, cela m'arrive de ne pouvoir commander un...
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Merci Winners, j'ai toujours mon coffre-fort avec moi pour l'Action de grâce
Ils ont probablement voulu traduire "We wish that our fans, and our associates have a safe, and happy Thanksgiving". Bel effort Winners, mais un gestionnaire de communauté francophone...
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Responsive Web Design at FITC SCREENS
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright Nuscreen Digital: </figcaption> </figure> This week I was at FITC SCREENS with my colleague Paul Laberge to talk about...
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A restaurant for me, or maybe not?
I saw this restaurant when I was walking in Toronto yesterday evening. I shouldn't go as I'm not supposed to be...
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Living with a Girly girl
I just saw this at the Centre Eaton Montréal, and it frightens me. That can totally be our bath at home, and let's be clear, I'm not talking about the kind of bath! I love Émilie, but... too.....
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Don't be shy, leave a comment
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I know, I'm doing it a lot. I read a blog post, and I'm not leaving a comment to the...
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Tips and tricks for people #25
If your attendees have paid for your event, respect them by having someone at the door who checks for people with...
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Don't feed the trolls
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> I took a decision concerning trolls: I won't feed them anymore. I'm the kind of person who...
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How to disable autocorrect in Windows 8
As I write sometimes in English (read Frenglish), and sometimes in French, I'm not a fan of any autocorrect options. I used Antidote to correct my French texts, and Ginger for my English ones. So one...
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Tips and tricks for people #24
If your store takes cash only, please notify us before we want to buy something, or at least, have these thieves, I mean...
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Microsoft & l'Open Source, la guerre des étoiles version techno
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Dans une galaxie lointaine, Microsoft faisait la guerre à l'Open Source. Aujourd'hui, nous...
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An accordion guy in Montreal
Two weeks ago, my friend Joey DeVilla was in town. We planned some time to catch up, and went to a local bistro. As usual Joey had his accordion, but this time it was to give Émilie <iframe...
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Tips and tricks for people #23
If you are making an online contest, don't ask participants to share annoy as most as possible their friends, and followers on social media to win: that won't make us like your...
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The secret that nobody will tell you about success
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Success means different thing for each of us. Some are looking to get more money to buy...
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Tips and tricks for people #22
Putting too much perfume create the opposite result of what you are trying to...
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I'm a shareaholic, so I'm enjoying Yelp
I like to share with others. It’s why I’m blogging, and why I like social media so much. It’s also why I’m doing my job: I’m sharing my passion about technology. One of my preferred website in the...
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Social Media Breakfast Montreal and the personal branding
Do you know Social Media Breakfast events? Those are recurring events that, like the name said, are related to social media. It's a way for social media enthusiasts, and professional to learn, but...
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Wordpress dans les nuages au Wordcamp Montréal
En ce moment même Wordcamp 2012 a lieu à Montréal. Une fin de semaine pour amateurs, initiés et experts de cette magnifique plateforme qu'est Wordpress. J'ai eu le plaisir de présenter cette année à...
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Tips and tricks for people #21
If you don't come in advance to a concert, don't try to go near the scene by passing in front of people who are there since way longer than...
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Le gouvernement investit dans nos infrastructures
Encore une histoire de Duct Tape. Vu au coin de Ste-Catherine et McGill College il y a 2-3...
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5 years later, she is still with me
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> Today is the celebration of our 5 years together, as a couple. Yes, after 5 years, I am...
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Tips and tricks for people #20
If you cannot join a meeting, please notify the organizers as soon as you...
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Out of Comfort Zone dans la démo de l'agence TP1
Lors de la refonte de mon blogue, j'avais eu quelques offres d'entreprises d'un peu partout au Canada suite à mon billet où je mentionnais rechercher un bon designer. Je voulais toutefois encourager...
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20 pounds, and counting
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> It’s been ten weeks now that I’m trying to lose weight, and I must say that it’s working. I...
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and others hire P.R. companies
Seen this graffiti during a walk in Verdun: some are born great, others achieve greatness, and others hire P.R....
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Tips and tricks for people #19
If you participated in a contest to win tickets for an event, please be sure that you are available until you know if you win or...
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Tips and tricks for people #18
If you want to listen music in a public space, there is an accessory called earphones that could be really...
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The Comedy Nest: laughter guaranteed
When the new owner of the Comedy Nest told me she wanted to give me tickets to go see a show, I didn't know what to expect. First, I didn't know this club, and didn't really know Anglophone...
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Contest: free tickets for the Comedy Nest
I think that Comedy Nest liked the blog post I did on my first experience, as they gave me two pairs of tickets for one of the show this Thursday. As I liked you (and that I had tickets for the same...
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Geek Show v2.0: gare aux ninjas
Pour une deuxième année, le Geek Show se produira pendant le festival Zoo Fest. L'an passé, j'ai assisté au spectacle et j'ai passé une superbe soirée. En effet, le 21, 22, 26 et 27 juillet prochain...
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Tips and tricks for people #17
If you reply to everyone on an email, please do it as if your mail client has implemented a four step process to the reply all feature: Click reply all button/menu, Click YES on the popup that say...
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Why I choose the word Evangelist for my role
In three days, I will be in my Evangelist role at Microsoft for one year, and a half. It was, and it's still an amazing experience: awesome job, great company, astonishing co-workers, mind-blowing...
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Tips and tricks for people #16
If I need to create an account to use your Web application, you need to have an option to delete my account if I don't want to use it...
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We are now the owners of a condo
I'm so happy, that I wanted to share this with you: we are the new owners of a beautiful condo. Yesterday we went to the notary, and got our keys! If I didn't get on your nerves with this on Twitter...
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Are you stealing in a store?
No? Why not? It makes sense if you find the item too expensive? It also makes sense if you find that the company or the entire industry make too much money. No? It’s been a while since I’m thinking...
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Tips and tricks for people #15
If you are doing a step-by-step tutorial for developers, provide the full source...
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It's not about them, it's about you
Stop worrying about what others think of you. Stop caring about what people say about what you are doing. Stop being afraid to hear what people think about your clothes, the music you like, the books...
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Tips and tricks for people #14
If you are a parking valet, and you need to move my car, I'm pretty sure you can do that thirty second ride without having to change my seat, mirrors, or steering wheel...
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Tips and tricks for people #13
Time to smoke a cigarette? Awesome, the best place to do it is in front of the store's...
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Windows 8 love in St-John's Go Beyond Pixels conference
In heads order: Jeremy Keith, Ethan Marcotte, Aarron Walter, Josh Clark, Jeffrey Zeldman, Thomas Lewis, Geri Coady (local designer), your truly, Suzannah Mejia (co-organizer), Isaac Mejia...
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Tips and tricks for people #12
If you want people to answer your survey, try not to make it four pages...
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Tips and tricks for people #11
If you are releasing a new version of your software, the release notes are always...
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Tips and tricks for people #10
When you are in the corridor of a hotel, yelling or talking out loud doesn't seem to be a good way to respect others tranquility, and their sleeping...
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Tips and tricks for people #9
If you are on a plane with turbulence, if the flight attendants don't panic, there is no way to panic or be afraid...
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Les gens techniques au Webcamp à Québec
Voici comment la VETIQ voit les gens techniques au Webcamp à Québec. Ça explique un peu ce qu'on pense de moi des fois...
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Tips and tricks for people #8
If you want to chat with the cashier or the waitress, do it when there is nobody in the lineup waiting to pay or to order...
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This is how I'm dealing with a big computer
The tripod was too small for my computer as behind it, we had a microphone. Duck tape can solve everything, even securing my Dellasaurus at the Windows 8 camp of the .NET Community in Montreal....
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Panel sur l’avenir des TI à la boule de cristal
Mardi prochain aura lieu la 9e édition de la boule de cristal, conférence montréalaise sur les enjeux en TI. Ce sera une première expérience pour moi en tant que participant, mais aussi en tant que...
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Tips and tricks for people #7
If you are presenting in front of a crowd, and you have a microphone, please repeat the question before starting to answering...
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Tips and tricks for people #6
If you have a website, you need to have a search...
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Out of Comfort Zone gets a makeover
It’s been a while that I’m talking about the design of this blog. Five months ago, I was looking for a designer to create a personal design for this blog. As I’m back to the blog as my primary home on...
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Tips and tricks for people #5
If you are driving a vehicle, and you want to turn right or left, there is something special call a flasher: you can use it to tell other drivers that you want to...
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This is the video I will show to all flight attendants
<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It's not...
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Tips and tricks for people #4
If someone hold the door for you, nobody will be hurt if you say "thank...
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Show me your book: Responsive Web Design
If you are following this blog, you probably know that I’m a fan of the Responsive Web Design philosophy. I’m in the process of redesigning this blog, and one of the criteria for the designer and...
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Responsive Web Design, get the best of your design at FITC Toronto
Yesterday I did a presentation at FITC Toronto on Responsive Web Design. I had a blast with an amazing audience, and as I promised, here is the presentation: <iframe...
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A sketch of me... with a duckface
We have a lot of cartoonists in the old Montreal, but I never took the time to have one of them make a sketch of me. Samsung has a drawer at FITC, so between sessions he did a sketch of me, that I...
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Tips and tricks for people #3
If you are getting out of the plane, the best place to stop is not in the aisle between the airplane and the...
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Tips and tricks for people
Since a couple of days, I saw so many things people do that doesn’t make sense, or just common sense behavior that doesn’t seem to be so common sense for everybody. OK, it’s not true, it’s been a...
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Tips and tricks for people #2
If you are a speaker, and your presentation is being recorded, then someone asks a question without any mic, please repeat the questions in yours before answering...
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Tips and tricks for people #1
If you want to cross the street while a car is coming in your way, don't do it with...
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Oasis et le pouvoir des médias sociaux
Si vous avez été un tant soit peu devant votre écran hier, vous avez sûrement entendu parlé de la saga de la compagnie Lassonde, qui fait les jus Oasis, contre la petite entreprise de soins corporels,...
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Saving your keystrokes
A couple of weeks ago, Jonathan Rozenblit did an interview with Scott Hanselman for D3, a Web show we have at Microsoft Canada. In the first episode, not online yet (Jonathan is working on it), Thomas...
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Show me your book: Read this before our next meeting
Every big company has a culture of meeting: anything needs a meeting. Many books get my attention in the Domino Project of Seth Godin, but I recently read one of them that talk about meetings: Read...
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Please someone, explain me Twitter
[Unfollower unfollowed If you follow person X, it’s because you find it interesting? I know some people will follow person X, because he followed you, but at least you took the time to see who he was,...
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My fans are intense
[Found on the wall of the building right after where is our apartment: a graffiti of my initials, FH. My fans are a bit intense...
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Les billets de 42 sont maintenant disponibles ici
42 était un blogue qui devait me servir de plateforme pour mettre en ligne mes billets techniques, mes billets s'adressant aux développeurs de tout genre. Après seulement quelques billets, je me suis...
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The Microsoft ShamWOW
One of my colleagues, Paul, did a funny video to promote a program we have, the developer movement. I found it so awesome, that I wanted to share with you. <iframe width="480"...
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Les billets d'Un mot... une photo! sont maintenant disponible ici
Toujours dans l'optique de transférer mes anciennes propriétés sur celle-ci et ayant déjà fait le transfert d'À la base 2J'ai créé ce blogue lorsque je me suis acheté un appareil reflex pour tester ce...
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Book: HTML & CSS, design and build websites
Two weeks ago, I received a copy of the book HTML & CSS, design and build websites. I didn't have the time to read it yet, but at the first look it seems to be the most beautiful book I saw on...
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Your blog posts are too long
With that in mind, we can also say that the attention span of people just drops off: too many interesting videos, articles, applications, status updates, blog posts… So I come to a magistral...
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There is something wrong with HTML5
Usually, when I'm doing a blog post, I'm searching on Flickr for a picture or image with a Creative Commons license. So last week, I was looking for one to put into my blog post around HTML5 resources...
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Les billets d'À la base 2 sont maintenant disponibles ici
Comme je mentionnais dans mon billet du 22 décembre dernier sur mon blogue À la base 2, je fermais les portes. Pas que j'arrête de bloguer, au contraire, mais j'ai trop de sites et je préfère me...
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Maimouna Youssef, the girl of a gypsy woman
One of my passion is music. Not as a player, but as someone who enjoy listening to it, discovering new artists and dream to the sound of a beautiful voice or an astonish beat. Last week, I saw a tweet...
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Oh no, I was at the Google party
Some people think we need to be enemies. I'm one of the kind who think we should work together to make the Web a better place. So I was there tonight, at their Montreal office grand opening. Thanks...
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Responsive Web Design in the Prairies
I had the pleasure to do another talk at Prairie Dev Con West in Calgary about Responsive Web Design. I need to say that this topic is one of my preferred. I’m really an HTML5 enthusiast and the...
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Prairie Dev Con West and the power of the Matrix
I tend to have the bad habit of just posting my presentation on SlideShare and not doing any blog post. Even if it’s better than the speakers who don’t publish them online, it’s not so easy for...
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Cours HTML5 à Confoo
Il y a deux semaines, j’ai eu le plaisir de passer la semaine à la conférence Confoo. Les deux premiers jours étant des formations, j’ai fait équipe avec de brillants développeurs (Benoit Piette, Rémy...
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My unknown father
Since I have joined the team at Microsoft Canada, there is a running gag about Damir being my dad: you have to admit that the resemblance is troubling. A couple of months ago, I made a t-shirt for...
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TechDays Online est maintenant disponible
Quoi? On parle déjà de TechDays 2012? Non, mais ça viendra d’ici quelques semaines. Ici je parle du site de TechDays que nous avons surnommé TechDays Online ou TechDays en ligne. Vous avez vécu...
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Responsive Web Design: La vision du monde dépend des lunettes que je porte
Hier soir, je présentais au groupe d’utilisateurs HTML5mtl. Ma présentation portait sur le principe du Responsive Web Design, une façon de concevoir nos sites pour répondre plus facilement et avec une...
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Hack your life challenge #7: take a break
Now the real challenge of last week: take a break. The goal is really about spending time with your thoughts. Think about what to do, new ideas, priorities, new goals… Just taking some time, with...
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Awesome tools you can use to build your next HTML5 website or application
Even if the actual version of HTML as been discussed for a couple of years now, it is fairly new. We see a lot more enthusiasts around this new version of this Web standard, and trust me; it's just a...
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Hack your life challenge #4: set a happiness metric
It’s not an error in the challenge number: I told you in the challenge #5, that I totally missed the #4, so I wanted to give my opinion about this one too. I’ll make a blog post about the one from...
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Scary HTML5 book promotion
<figure> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure> I was searching some HTML5 picture for another blog post on Flickr when I saw this one. Don't judge the book by this picture,...
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You too can become a Make Web Not War Warriors
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright AngieLim: </figcaption> </figure> On March 8th, we will have a full day...
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What the heck is Responsive Web Design?
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> As a Web developer, we need to think about many devices,...
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Hack your life challenge #6: turn off your mobile phone
The hack your life challenge of last week was also about disconnecting and taking time for you. It was about taking the control of your time and be able to live without your precious. Not all the...
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ImagineCup 2012 arrive au Canada
Vous êtes un étudiant et vous aimeriez vivre une expérience hors du commun? ImagineCup 2012 arrive au Canada. Une compétition qui vous permettra de vous démarquer des autres gens de votre promotion...
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Hack your life challenge #5: do
I like to call myself a doer, because when I have an idea, I’m not just talking; I'm making it reality. I started some personal or community projects like Festival Geek de Montréal (French), We are...
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Show me your book: Strengths Finder 2.0
One thing that is awesome with my job is that our team is all about learning and getting better. I’m the kind of guy who think there is things I need to learn by myself, on my own time, but other...
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Hack your life challenge #3: speak to a stranger
<figure> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure> I’m a bit late to post my results on the challenge #3 of the Hack Your Life project from Fabrice Calando, since the 4th one just...
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Make Web Not War Communities Night in Vancouver
<figure> <figcaption> Copyright PhotoJunkie: </figcaption> </figure> As you saw in this blog (Make Web...
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You are your company, a customer service story
<figure> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure> Last week was not a good one for me with customer services. I had a problem with valet in two parking, and I had a not so good...
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Lady Gaga & Nyan Cat, même combat
Quand vous allez sur le compte Twitter de quelqu'un en utilisant l'application Web, Twitter vous suggère des comptes semblables. Je trouvais la suggestion fort...
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How to get up to speed with a new technology
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> You are in front of your computer, wanting to learn a new...
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Hack your life challenge #2: Turn off the electronics
I need to say that the challenge #2 from Fabrice Calando was a total fail for me. The goal was to shut down any electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed. I think I succeed only one...
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Rejoignez le mouvement des développeurs
Prêt à repousser les frontières? Prêt à changer les règles? Prêt à être de l’avant-garde? C’est le moment de foncer avec le mouvement des développeurs. Vous avez une idée du tonnerre pour une...
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Geek et fier de l'être
Il y a un peu plus d’un mois, je donnais une petite entrevue à David Nathan pour la section techno de MSN. Le sujet était “C’est quoi, finalement, un Geek?”. Comme c’est un sujet que j’adore, j’ai...
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Apprenez HTML5 à Confoo
Aimeriez-vous apprendre HTML5, CSS3 et JavaScript? Vous voudriez découvrir ce que vous pouvez faire avec ces technologies, mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer? Avez-vous un problème à trouver du...
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Music is my life
I must say that I’m a music lover. I like music of all sorts, almost. I don’t play any instruments, but for a long-time music was a big part of my life. For an unknown reason, last year, it wasn’t...
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Hack your life challenge #1: get rid of excess clothing
Two days ago, I wrote about the project of Fabrice Calando, Hack your life. Since I think it’s an amazing idea, I wanted to participate, and it’s what I did with the first challenge: get rid of...
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Be careful, you are the expert
<figure> <figcaption> Creative Commons: </figcaption> </figure> We are all the expert of somebody. It mean that we know more on a...
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Things I want to achieve in 2012
I don’t like to call them resolutions, as this word has a negative meaning because so many people took some, and never do it during the new year. Let’s call this a list of things I want to...
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Hack your life
You know the feeling when someone has an awesome idea, and you say to yourself “damn, it’s such a good idea, why nobody had it before…” ? I had this exact feeling when Fabrice Calando share on...
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Take 2012 as an opportunity
A year is about to finish and another one to start. For most of us, it’s the time of the year where we take new year resolutions. It’s also the time of the year, where people wish you a lot of things...
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Where fans becomes fanboys and haters
You know, there is nothing wrong about being a fan of something or someone. I’m a fan of some music performers, some products, some people I know… everybody is a fan of something! The problem is when...
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DevCamp Montréal en photos
Voici quelques photos du DevCamp Montréal [flickrset id="72157628598007797" thumbnail="square" photos="" overlay="true"...
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Show me your book: Linchpin by Seth Godin
Recently, I finished the book Linchpin from Seth Godin. It’s a book about you, me, us, who need to be indispensable in a world where there are many jobs, employees who can be replaced by computers....
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Books for 2012
I always find it hard when people ask me “What do you want for Christmas?”. First, I’m difficult, so they learn that they should ask me. Secondly, I usually like things that cost too much: I know, I’m...
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
I’m not the best when it comes to write greetings, but I find it important. In this time of the year, where things slow down and for most of us, we have the opportunity to take some times with our...
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Taking the easy way is for weak people… bullshit!
Sometimes, in my life, I took the easiest way. You know, the road without too many complications, that will make me successful or let me have what I wanted, easily. In most cases, a more difficult...
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À la base 2 migre vers Out of Comfort Zone
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Comme vous avez pu le remarquer, je blogue de moins en moins sur À la base 2. C’est que dernièrement, j’ai parti un blogue...
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One year at the evil empire
Before the end of the year, on the December 31, I’ll be an employee at Microsoft Canada for one year (no I didn’t work until the beginning of January, you fools). One year as a Developer Evangelist,...
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The state of the Web–FITC Spotlight HTML5
In the beginning of December, I was the keynote speaker for FITC Spotlight HTML5. It was a full day of HTML5 presentations in one track. It was my first experience at FITC and I enjoyed it. Many years...
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Back to basic, the blog
I am a fan of blogs. I blog since the beginning of 2005, and I never felt like it was not the right thing to do. For me, it’s another good way to express myself, and it’s the online,representation of...
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I need a good designer
You see this blog? I don’t like the design. It’s better since I took this theme, but I need a new one! I want a theme that will give me the envy to blog on it. I want a theme that will tell you a bit...
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How to use e-mail
This post has been on my mind for a long time now. I found that a lot of people don’t really know how to communicate by e-mail. I don’t know for you, but now that I’m receiving a lot of e-mails, it...
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Mystérieux tel un cougar - Movember jour 19
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Folie du samedi matin, donnez généreusement. Si ce n'est pour la cause, faites-le pour ma vie sociable qui en prend un coup avec...
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My life manifesto
Please check the second version of this manifesto. People often tell me that I look happy in life, that I’m lucky to have a job that I love, and that I seem to always do what I want. It’s not a...
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Mon look d'adolescent prépubère pour Movember
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Pour m'encourager en tant que participant à Movember, c'est ici. Pour en savoir plus long sur ma participation, c'est ici (en...
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I'm a mo-bro this year - Support the fight against prostate cancer
I’m always thinking about how I can help other in different ways. Until now, the last teen years were about volunteer with children. Since my lifestyle as I changed, I cannot commit anymore...
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Work hard, play hard
I'm one of the kinds who thinks that we need to do the same thing with our life. It's one thing to work for a living. It's another to live for working. Like I said, don't get me wrong, most of the...
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Qui va commencer à jouer au Golf selon vous?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ça doit bien faire 3 ans que j'ai le goût de jouer au Golf, mais je n'ai jamais cédé à la tentation. Dernièrement, voyant la saison...
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Aubergiste, mon cheval
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base...
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Learning from failure at FailCamp Montreal
You remember the post I did about celebrating failure? In this post, I was sharing with you how I think we can learn from error or failure we had in our life. I was also talking about, maybe, doing an...
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Il y a un chat qui aime vraiment ma voiture
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 [Aucun moyen de garder ma voiture propre, car mon stationnement est sur de la gravelle dans la ruelle, mais en plus de cela, il y a...
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My new business cards
I am a big fan of being myself in every part of my life. So many people try to be someone else, but I think it's a good subject for another blog post. A couple of weeks ago, I made a blog post on my...
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Justin et moi
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 [Hier soir était le premier soir de la 2e vente trottoir de l'année à Verdun, alors chérie et moi avons décidé d'aller se promener...
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Invitations Google+
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Question de nous donner l'impression que l'accès est encore restreint, Google nous a offert 150 invitations. Donc, pour ceux qui...
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Êtes-vous heureux?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je suis tellement d'accord avec cette image. Ça me fait penser au billet que j'ai écrit, en anglais, sur mon autre blogue. Volé sur...
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Celebrate failure
I am the kind of guy who thinks that we need to celebrate failure. Not really celebrating it as in a party, but in the way that failure is not that bad. Failure is for me a chance to learn. Failure is...
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Stop being a pussy and take the control of your life
"Stop being a pussy and take the control of your life" is what I want to say each time I heard negative people talking about their life. OK, it may be sound rude, but I try not to be...
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Show me your book
I'm the kind of guy who buys a book, start reading it, do something else, buy a new book, start to read it and so on. I have a couple of books unfinished or not even started with a couple more in my...
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Lâche ton ordi pour une soirée au Geek Show
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 [C'est donc le 27 et 29 juillet prochain que se produiront sur scène 6 humoristes qui aborderont des thèmes Geek tels que les jeux...
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I am a blogger, not cheap labor
It has been a couple of times that people asked me about my rules for sponsored blogging. You know, when someone gives you something and wants you to blog about it. I think it would be good to expose...
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Take vacations or change job
Last week I was in vacations. I only took one week as I'll take another one in August and one for Christmas time. I mostly take it easy. The only plan I had was to buy a new car, meet some friends and...
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Stop crying in your shower: change is a new opportunity
<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Did you...
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A new blog is born
Another blog on the Internet, I know. Another blog from me, I know. I wanted to start writing in English, and I love making blog posts, so it's the good way to go for me. Even if the goal of this...
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Bonne St-Jean
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ne me méprenez pas, je suis aussi de ceux qui croit que nous devrions fêter le Québec à longueur d'année et non seulement une...
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Manifeste des médias sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Un peu tanné de voir le monde crier haut et fort que "ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on doit utiliser les médias sociaux", j'en...
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Un site pour les travailleurs mobiles, ça vous dirait?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Après réflexion, je me suis dit que ça serait intéressant d'avoir aussi les trucs et astuces d'autres personnes, qui comme moi,...
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Concours: VIP au party de la F1 du Light Ultra Club
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 J'ai cinq (5) paires de billets (en réalité c'est des bracelets) à faire tirer pour une entrée gratuite dans le club, ce qui vous...
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Humour de programmeur
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Programmer always try to make software idiotproof, but God always making better idiot. -...
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Des fois, vous devez clarifier certaines choses
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Le tweet de l'ami Guy Barrette m'a fait penser à cette photo que j'avais prise de Damir et moi. Damir est un collègue de travail...
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Une présentation techno, ça vous dirait?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Après une discussion avec quelqu'un cette semaine, je me suis dit que ça serait une bonne idée de faire une page sur mon site pour...
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Facebook devient sentimental...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base...
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Le temps
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. - John...
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HTML5, un Français et moi
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Laurent Maisonnave et moi au Webcamp de Québec. Nous aurions pu faire une chicane de style "tu as mis la même robe que...
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Soyez vous-même en toute circonstance
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 I'd rather lose my job than be someone else - Joey DeVilla Un jour, dans une discussion à propos de ma personnalité versus celle...
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Revoir le terme amis sur Facebook
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Plus le temps passe, plus j'ai le goût de revoir mon utilisation du terme amis à sa définition réelle et même plus. Je forme...
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Cartes d'affaires plus authentiques
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Dans le coin droit de ce billet, ma carte d'affaires actuelle. J'ai l'intention de me faire faire des cartes de types MooEt non,...
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Webcom Live Mai 2011 - La transparence
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Voici une entrevue que j'ai donné à Mathieu Chartier dans le cadre du Webcom Live d'hier abordant le sujet de la...
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Le Festival Geek de Montréal ne verra pas de 3e édition
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 C'est avec tristesse que je vous annonce aujourd'hui que le [Festival Geek de MontréalEn effet, j’ai pris la décision de ne pas...
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J'ai encouragé Layton
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base...
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9 raisons de ne pas acheter un iPhone 5
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Volé sur le Twitter de Christian...
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Une soirée d'Uno
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Sérieusement, à force de jouer à UNO sur mon [Windows Phone 7Quand j'étais plus jeune, on faisait souvent des soirées de cartes...
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Québec aller-retour
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Demain matin je pars pour Québec question d'aller au CloudCamp QuébecSi vous êtes libres et ça vous dit de venir parler technologie...
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BIXI: le premier point de mon plan de remise en forme
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Après avoir essayé un abonnement, voire même deux, au gym, et ce sans succès, je m'aperçois que ce n'est pas pour moi, pas pour mon...
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Tumblr style
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 J'ai donc décidé de ramener mon contenu ici. Présentement, j'ai une photo particulière à partager, je la mets sur Flickr. J'ai une...
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Avant... Après...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 [Pour vous le présenter, j'ai usé de la bonne vieille technique des photos avant et après: sur la première je suis flou, triste de...
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Une soirée dans la belle province
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 J'en ai vaguement parlé sur Twitter, mais je vais à Québec pour le travail demain, et ce, jusqu'à vendredi soir. J'aimerais donc...
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Le réseau des femmes d'affaires du Québec s'intéresse aux médias sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ce fut donc une soirée devant plus d'une 15e de femmes d'un des chapitres du Réseau des femmes d'affaires du Québec. Quelle belle...
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Festival Geek de Montréal: mon bébé grandit
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je sais, cela fait quelque temps que je ne vous ai pas donné de nouvelles, mais avec le Festival Geek de Montréal et mon nouvel...
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HTML5 & Internet Explorer 9, est-ce réellement compatible?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Tels sont les grandes lignes de la présentation que je vais faire lundi prochain (soit le 21 février) à 18h30 à la salle la...
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On a besoin de vous pour créer une liste d'associations de développeurs au Québec
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Le W3Québec m’a récemment demandé si je voulais devenir collaborateur spécial pour un de leurs projets, soit celui de créer une liste des...
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Vous avez une idée d'application pour Windows Phone 7? Je la réalise!
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Dans le cadre de mon rôle chez Microsoft, on m’a demandé de faire une application mobile sous Windows Phone 7 qui serait francophone et de...
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devLAB Montréal - La soirée du hockey pour Geeks
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Qu'est-ce que devLAB Montréal? Une initiative d'EvocatioCe soir dès 18h30 dans les bureaux d'Evocatio situé au 388 rue Saint-Jacques Ouest...
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CUSEC 2011
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Vous étudiez en génie logiciel et vous aimeriez rencontrer d'autre passionnée comme vous? CUSECPourquoi y assister? C'est une occasion sans...
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Web Camp en début février, y serez-vous?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Le premier Web Camp à Montréal, organisé par Microsoft en collaboration avec la Communauté .NET Montréal, prendra place à nos bureaux...
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Combattez les bons démons
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y a quelques minutes, je me suis fait aborder par une personne visiblement outrée par mon t-shirt "Vino, les gouines"...
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Bonne Année 2011
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Malgré que nous soyons déjà le 2 janvier de cette nouvelle année, je prends tout de même le temps de vous souhaiter une Bonne Année...
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On juge comme des idiots
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Avec mon nouvel emploi, je dois dire que je suis exposé à ce genre de propos envers mon employeur et ses produits, ainsi que ses...
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Techno tu ne seras point
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je parle bien sûr de ce blogue... Certains d'entre vous l'ont possiblement vu passé sur les réseaux sociaux, mais je me pars un...
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42, encore un autre blogue...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue 42 Hé oui, un autre blogue vient de voir le jour, 42. Lors d'une réflexionPourquoi 42 ? Parce que c'est la réponse à tout (à la grande...
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Joyeux Nowel
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Profitez de ce temps, qui malheureusement n'est pas si de repos que ça, pour essayer tout de même de relaxer un peu, car la...
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Follow Friday - Laurent LaSalle
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Cette semaine, mon Follow Friday va à Laurent LaSalle aka LaurentLaSalle Il faut dire que Laurent est quelqu'un qui nous transmet...
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Foursquare ne sert à rien
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Bien sûr, il y a l'utilisation intensive que j'en faisais: signaler sa présence partout où l'on est incluant des trucs aussi...
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Testez Azure et aider votre groupe d'utilisateur
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 page (en anglais seulement), permettra à votre groupe d'utilisateur et ainsi qu'à vous d'obtenir chacun 25$. Il vous suffira...
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Modifier la vocation de ce blogue ou...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je parle beaucoup de divers changement ces jours-ci et ce blogue n'y échappe pas. Au tout début lorsque j'ai parti ce blogue, je le...
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Paul Laurendeau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Né en 1958, l’auteur du CARNET D’YSENGRIMUS, Paul Laurendeau a été vingt ans professeur de linguistique au Département...
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Comment me définissez-vous?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Par contre, il est toutefois intéressant de voir comment les autres nous perçoivent si nous sommes capables de vivre avec le bon,...
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Nouveau thème... en construction
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je vous ai dit que j'allais changer de thème pour mon blogue et bien c'est en cours. Je ne sais pas encore si le thème nommé...
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Follow Friday - Debbie Rouleau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Pour mon premier Follow Friday, j'avais commencé par celle qui partage ma vie. Pourquoi ne pas y aller en deuxième avec celle dont...
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À la recherche d'un nouveau thème
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Comme vous le savez probablement, ce site va redevenir un simple blogue vu ma [transition professionnellePourquoi je vous en parle...
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Vous représentez une entreprise, ne l'oubliez pas
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 La semaine passée, et ça risque d'arriver souvent en 2011 avec [mon nouveau statut de travailleur mobileLa morale de cette...
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Desjardins, une écoute active des médias sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Hier soir, j'étais convoqué par Desjardins pour participer à un groupe de discussion sur [leur application mobile iPhoneBien sûr,...
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Follow Friday - Émilie Plante
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 La semaine dernière je faisais un billet sur les Follow Friday et la méthode que j'allais employer pour faire les miens. Voici donc...
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Qu'est-ce que ça mange en hiver un évangéliste ?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Du café? Plus sérieusement j'ai eu ma première expérience à titre d'évangéliste ces quatre derniers jours pendant la conférence...
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Les Follow Friday, un concept qui perd de sa valeur
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je pense qu'il y a trois problèmes à la base: Dans 99% des cas, il n'y a aucune raison pourquoi, on me suggère de suivre quelqu'un...
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MobileCamp Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y a quelques mois, je me suis dit qu'au nombre d'événement au format camp que nous avons à Montréal, il en manquait un très...
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Un podcast audio n'est pas une émission de radio
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ce qui fait la joie de la balado est selon moi une des bases du blogue: la liberté d'expression sans être régit par qui ou quoi que...
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Le roi est mort, vive le roi
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Le changement Les "ptits vites" auront déjà compris ce qui se passe en voyant l'image contenue dans ce billet. En effet,...
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L'importance du réseautage
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Vous cherchez un nouveau contrat? Vous cherchez un emploi? Vous avez besoin de X, Y ou Z? Ce n'est plus le temps de commencer à...
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Ma présentation à l'École du Show Business
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Hier j'ai fait une présentation sur les médias sociaux à L'École du Show Business dans le cours d'organisation d'événement d'une...
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Les écoles prennent le virage des médias sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis que j'ai commencé à partager ma passion des médias sociaux en donnant des conférences, j'ai quelques demandes à mon grand...
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Hélène La Coquette
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs J'ai 30 ans, une enfant des 80's J'ai toujours adoré tout ce qui touchait au maquillage, en fait tout ce qui touche à...
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La Webtélés de V
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Bon cela fait déjà un mois que j'ai été invité au lancement de la programmation 2010 de la Webtélé de V- Le fait d'avoir un vrai...
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Improvisation d'un party de bureau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je ne garantis toutefois rien quant à cette soirée, car on est un peu tard pour réserver, mais si j'ai un minimum de personne, ça...
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La nourriture et les médias sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 C'est donc avec plaisir que j'ai accepté il y a quelques semaines une offre de Kindo Communications pour venir donner, avec un de...
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Roger Ravager
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs c’est un peu comme le mini-wheats de la musique. D’abord on a le côté Roger, qui évoque l’idée d’un...
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Combat de gros
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Quel en était le principe? Simplement d'offrir une plateforme Web pour que des participants puissent, un peu à la "Qui perd...
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Radio Highway, plus qu'une radio
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Par le biais des médias sociaux, j'ai eu le plaisir de connaître Jacques Plante qui anime une radio Web nommée Radio Highwayici ou...
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Les ingénieurs et les TIC
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Le Carrefour Plein-Sud de l'Ordre des ingénieurs du QuébecJ'y présenterais une conférence: Les médias sociaux, futiles ou utiles?...
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Un TabletteCamp à Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Cette année Alliance Numérique lance une conférence intitulée [Web InLors de cette journée du 10 novembre prochain (oui dans 6...
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Trop techno pour vos clients?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 - Il n'est plus nécessaire d'avoir des cartes d'affaires, c'est tellement facile aujourd'hui avec un téléphone intelligent de...
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Pierre-Luc Gagnon
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Rédacteur pigiste, diplômé de la presse écrite et programmeur autodidacte, Pierre-Luc Gagnon a fondé en...
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Portrait de podcasteurs, un concept à reprendre
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Le Podcamp Montréal étant derrière nous pour cette année, ça met fin aussi aux Portraits de podcasteurs. Pour ceux qui se demandent...
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Laurent LaSalle
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Designer, blogueur et baladodiffuseur, Laurent LaSalle adore tout ce qui touche à la techno, au web et aux nouveaux...
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Trop de contrats: un beau problème
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Pas que ça soit si plaisant que ça, mais c'est tout de même mieux que de devoir courir après ceux-ci. Comme le développement des...
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Un musée de l'informatique au Québec
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis une semaine, l’iMusée, premier musée Québécois dédié à l'informatique a ouvert ses portes. J'ai eu le plaisir d'aller au...
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Star Wars : The Clones Wars
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je suis un fan de Star Wars et que j'ai gardé mon côté plus jeune, entre autres, avec les bandes...
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Mon retour sur Podcamp Montréal 2010
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 En fin de semaine avait lieu la 3e édition de Podcamp Montréal. C'était la première année où je pouvais y aller toute la fin de...
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Soyez conséquent avec vous-même
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Dans cet ordre d'idée, dernièrement j'ai fait un billet sur ma vision du bénévolat selon mon expérience à ce sujet. J'y disais...
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Podcamp Montréal 2010 : Préparer un événement à l’aide des médiaux sociaux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Le 11 et 12 septembre prochains aura lieu l'anticonférence Podcamp Montréal. Podcamp se veut, malgré son nom parfois trompeur, un...
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Samsung Mobilers
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis quelque temps Samsung se sert des influenceurs pour faire de la promotion de leurs produits, chose que je trouve...
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Michelle Sullivan
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Michelle Sullivan, directrice des Médias sociaux et des communications numériques chez HKDP, œuvre dans le domaine des...
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Guest blogging
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Pourquoi un titre en anglais? Parce que j'ai eu le plaisir d'être invité à faire un billet sur les médias sociaux en anglais par...
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Sophie Labelle
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Sophie Labelle est une fille de communication geek aux 1001 passions. Curieuse et épicurienne, elle aime notamment la...
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Demandez et vous recevrez... peut-être!
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Arrêtons d'attendre que quelque chose se produise, que quelqu'un nous propose de quoi d'intéressant et d'espérer que ci ou ça se...
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Limiter les intermédiaires, un avantage pour tous
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Coût Parlons tout de suite de la notion qui motive plusieurs personnes, l'argent. Dans la majorité des cas, sous-traitance égale...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Avant d'être rédactrice Art de vivre pour, Cindy a été designer de mode pendant plus de dix ans. Avide de...
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Le bénévolat, un emploi sans rémunération monétaire
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Au cours de ces 10 années de bénévolat, j'ai eu le plaisir d'avoir des mandats dans lesquels je devais gérer une ou plusieurs...
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Île Sans Fil : du wifi gratuit à Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je parle de l'organisme à but non lucratif Île Sans Fil dès que l'occasion en est possible....
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Prendre le temps de trouver les bons outils
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ce cas typique, qui croyez-moi arrive souvent en entreprise est au bout du compte un problème grave : on perd de l'argent, on perd...
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"Oeuvre d'art" avec de vieux téléphones/smartphones
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ce qui n'amène à la raison de ce billet. Suite à cette visite, je me suis demandé ce qui caractérisait mon bureau. Quand quelqu'un...
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L'analyse des Geeks et moi
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Connaissez-vous l'analyse des Geeks? C'est un podcast audio hebdomadaire qui parle de l'actualité Geek mettant en vedette Benoît...
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Relation Web: futile ou non?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Avec mon style de vie et mon travail, je me trouve a être constamment en relation sur le Web avec d'autres personnes. Que ce soit...
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Devenez fan sur Facebook
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 À la base 2 a maintenant sa page fan sur Facebook. Il était temps me direz-vous ? Je crois que oui... Prétentieux d'avoir une page...
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Être sérieux, sans se prendre au sérieux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Êtres sérieux, sans se prendre au sérieux, tel est une de mes devises. J'ai eu l'idée d'un billet sur ce sujet il y a quelques...
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Si les docteurs étaient traités comme des développeurs
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 [Sous estimation de l'expertise À titre de développeur d'applications mobiles et Web, on oeuvre dans un monde où très peu de gens...
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Et si on intégrait les blogueurs dans nos promotions ?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y a environ 3 semaines, j'avais une discussion fort intéressante avec l'ami Fabrice Calando sur la place des blogueurs dans la...
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Catherine Gisèle Nathalie Marcoux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Catherine G.N. Marcoux est une grande passionnée de l’architecture écologique, du développement durable et des 3R...
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Et si je bloguais en anglais?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Mettons quelques éléments en perspectives Je blogue en français, car c'est ma langue natale et j'en suis fier; Je blogue en...
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Everybody was Confoo Fighting
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Those kids were fast as lighting... OK, excusez-moi, lorsque j'étais plus jeune j'ai travaillé dans un salon de quilles où les...
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Services, services et services
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Dans la folie du Web Empire Avenue, je m'y suis aussi abonnéDepuis quelques années, la mode est à la précision du contenu, à la...
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Pourquoi choisir un consultant?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Dans le premier cas, je n'accepte pas de contrat à plein temps à l'extérieur, car je dois être au minimum libre pour mes autres...
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Kim Auclair
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Kim Auclair se spécialise dans la création et animation de communautés Web. En 2005 elle a fondé MacQuébec, une...
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Fabrice Calando
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Fabrice Calando est consultant en médias sociaux et internet, spécialisé dans le développement et en mise en œuvre de...
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Diane Massicotte
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Diane Massicotte oeuvre depuis trente ans dans le monde des communications. Journalisme, production radio et télévision,...
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Thoma Daneau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Finissant à la maîtrise en commerce électronique de l'HEC, Thoma se fera toujours un plaisir de vous parler médias...
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Peut-on devenir une star du Web au Québec?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis que j'ai rencontré Guiz dans le cadre du Festival Geek de Montréal, j'ai découvert un artiste plein de talent et...
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Découvrir des podcasteurs pour le Podcamp Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 On m'a offert il y a une dizaine de jours de jumelé deux passions en une seule : mon projet de capsule vidéo Portrait de blogueurs...
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Marie-Annick Boisvert
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Après avoir œuvré en agence, Marie-Annick Boisvert lance sa propre entreprise en 2000, donnant ainsi libre cours à sa...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Pierre-Luc est un jeune professionnel de 26 ans débordant peut être trop d'imagination, d'humour et de folie pour être...
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We are Geek, une idée qui devient projet
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Certains d’entres vous le savent déjà, mais je viens de partir une balado audio nommé We are Geek. Vous me direz que j’utilise pas...
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À la base 2 arrive au Centre-Ville
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis lundi, nous sommes rendus dans nos nouveaux bureaux. Sans tambour ni trompette nous avons amené À la base 2 à un autre...
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Benoit Mercier
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Biographie à venir. <iframe width="459" height="344"...
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Renart Léveillé
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Artiste multidisciplinaire (écriture, caricature, musique, art visuel, etc.), Pascal « Renart » Léveillé est devenu...
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Les courriels, moins importants que le téléphone?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je ne cache pas le fait que je préfère de loin communiquer par courriel que par téléphone. Ce n'est toutefois pas une question de...
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Une question de perception
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Dans la vie, tout est une question de perception. Comment on perçoit les choses. Comment le monde nous perçoit. Il faut toutefois...
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Savoir s'adapter, une question de bon sens
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ce matin, j'ai reçu un courriel de la Communauté .NET Montréal qui avait comme sujet "Hockey ou .NET? Pourquoi pas les...
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Sébastien Provencher
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Sébastien Provencher est cofondateur de Praized Média, une compagnie montréalaise développant des outils sociaux conçus...
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Attention: ce site change de vocation
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Suite à mon dernier billet "Je redeviens un agent libre sous peu, professionnellement parlant!" plusieurs réflexions se...
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Je redeviens un agent libre sous peu, professionnellement parlant!
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 On ne sait jamais quand cela va arriver, mais d'ici peu je vais me retrouver sans emplois. Par chance, voyons le côté positif, ce...
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Fabien Major
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Biographie à venir. <iframe width="459" height="344"...
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Bruno-Pierre Campeau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Biographie à venir. <iframe width="459" height="344"...
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Cyril Robert
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Cyril Robert, developeur Python/Django pour Le Site, et co-fondateur de Pantherific est une developeur logiciel orienté...
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Maxime DeBleu
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Maxime DeBleu est traqué. Ils l'espionnent et le suivent. Ils lui tendent des embuscades, placent des pièges sur sa...
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Camille Dg
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs J’ai commencé ma carrière en croyant que je deviendrais une nageuse olympique, puis une actrice oscarisée, puis j’ai cru...
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Fanie Grégoire
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Fanie Grégoire est illustratrice et maquilleuse de la région de Montréal. Sur ses blogues elle y publie ses derniers...
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Michelle Blanc
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Michelle Blanc est l’une des premières titulaires de la M.Sc. Commerce électronique, avec une spécialisation en gestion,...
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Ménage de printemps en 140 caractères
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Aujourd'hui, j'ai perdu un peu de plaisir à y être. Pas que je n'aime plus tweeter, au contraire, juste que présentement je ne fais...
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Portrait de blogueurs vole de ses propres ailes
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Hé oui, mon petit vole de [ses propres ailesL'idée de faire des portraits de blogueurs est rendue à sa deuxième capsules et ce...
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Portrait de blogueurs 002 - Stéphanie Marcoux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Voici le deuxième portrait de blogueur. Je suis content de voir que le concept plait et que certains blogueurs et blogueuses...
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Stéphanie Marcoux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Blogueuse et podcasteuse montréalaise, chanteuse et peintre-dessinatrice qui niaise, bijoutière et enseignante bien à...
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Plusieurs idées pour en avoir une bonne
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Traduction libre de "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." C'est une phrase avec laquelle je vis...
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Portrait de blogueurs 001 - Debbie Rouleau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Pour ceux qui suivent mon blogue, vous vous rappellerez que je vous avais parlé d'un petit projet vidéo dans ce billet. Sans aucune...
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Debbie Rouleau
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Portrait de blogueurs Geek dans l'âme, fan de Sci-fi, de fantasy, d'ordinateurs et de jeux de rôle, qui aime lire, dessiner, sortir entre amis,...
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Productif de 08h00 à 17h00, est-ce possible?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 J'ai souvent discuté de ce sujet avec diverses personnes et j'en suis nous en sommes toujours arrivés à la même conclusion : non....
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Les listes Twitter ou comment les autres me voient
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Mais les listes ne s'arrêtent pas là. Je me souviens d'un billet (en anglais) de Chris Brogan qui disait que les listes allaient...
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Bonne année 2010
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 L'an passé je vous ais souhaité une bonne année 2009 et je réitère mes souhaits pour cette année. Je ne vous souhaiterais rien de...
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Portraits de blogueurs et blogueuses
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis que j'écoute des baladodiffusions (OK, OK, des podcasts), j'ai le goût de moi-même devenir podcasteur. J'ai donc eu...
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Invitations Google Wave
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Cela fait quelques temps que les invitations de Google Wave se promène un peu partout, alors une bonne partie du monde doivent...
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LinkedIn: un C.V. 2.0 ?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Depuis quelque temps, je mets à jour mon profil LinkedIn pour plusieurs raisons : je veux m'en servir à titre de référence pour les...
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En rénovation
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ne pensez pas que je délaisse ce blogue, au contraire le nombre de brouillon que j'ai commencé et d'idée de billet que j'ai...
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Instruire une entreprise aux médias sociaux?
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je navigue dans les médias sociaux depuis assez longtemps pour bien en cerner les possibilités, mais j'ai encore de la misère à le...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Un mot… Une photo! Ensemble de particules d'eau très fines, liquides ou solides, maintenues en suspension dans l'atmosphère par les mouvements...
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GeekFest Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Un festival de Geek à Montréal? Tel est l'idée que j'ai lancée tout bonnement il y a à peine 4 semaines! Ce festival qui a, entre...
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Retour sur le Webcom 2009
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Vous pensiez que je ne ferais pas le billet que je vous avais promis sur le Webcom? Vous avez même douté de mon implication en tant...
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Webcom 2009 - Je blogue, tu blogue...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Aujourd'hui a lieu le Webcom Montréal 2009 au siège social de l'organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (OACI). Le Webcom...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Un mot… Une photo! Terrain humide et bourbeux; marais. Notes Prise dans le parc de la Pointe-aux-Prairies. Je me promets d'aller y faire un...
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Lucy in the sky...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Non je ne parlerais pas d'une des chansons des Beatles, mais bien d'un projet nommé Lucy présenté dans le cadre du festival...
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L'habit fait-il vraiment le moine?
Vous connaissez la fameuse expression l'habit ne fait pas le moine, qui dit grossièrement que l'apparence peut être trompeuse? On l'entend souvent et elle est souvent appliquée à plusieurs sauces,...
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Le grand ménage des 404
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Au tout début de ce blogue, j'ai eu la merveilleuse idée l'idée d'utiliser une extension qui créait un billet avec chaque...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Un mot… Une photo! Pour ceux qui voudraient savoir ce que j'ai comme matériel pour la photographie... Boîtier : Nikon D60 (09-04-10)Chargeur :...
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Un mot... Une photo!
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Un mot… Une photo! Bonjour à tous, Bienvenue sur mon photoblogue nommé "Un mot... Une photo!". Tout d'abord, je me présente: mon nom...
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Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue Un mot… Une photo! Mammifère carnivore au museau court et arrondi, aux griffes rétractiles, dont il existe des espèces domestiques et des...
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L'euthanasie ça tue
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Loin de moi l'idée de faire un jeu de mots désagréable, mais c'est la première chose à laquelle j'ai pensé. Pas que je vous prenne,...
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Twitter me rend paresseux
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Je me considère un juste milieu entre un natif numérique et un immigrant de celui-ci. En réalité, je connais peu ces termes, car je...
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iPhoneDevCamp Montréal
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Comme j'aime bien donner mon impression sur les événements auxquels je participe, en voici donc un autre: Vendredi dernier avait...
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Yulblog - Prise 2
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Mercredi dernier fut mon retour au YulblogJe parle de retour, car la dernière fois où j'y suis allé](le site web précédemment...
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Bonne année 2009
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Quoi dire dans un billet de nouvelle année? Mes souhaits ? Bien sûre, je vous en souhaite une bonne. Quelle soit remplis de santé...
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Matérialiser votre etchpression
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Certains d'entre-vous m'ont vu écrire sur Twitter ou sur Facebook à propos d'une compagnie nommé Etchpression (le site web...
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Joyeux Noël
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Personnellement, je fête Noël, mais je respecte les personnes de d'autres religions ou ceux qui sont athée (ou ceux qui fête le...
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La guignolée du web
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y a environ 2 semaines, Michelle Blanc a lancée une idée de guignolée des blogueurs. L'engouement fut-elle que l'idée prit place...
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À la recherche d'un logo - 2ième partie
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 La "saga" n'est pas finie, quoique cette fois-ci, surtout en le comparant à mon premier essai, cette tentative est très...
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À la recherche d'un logo
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas écris ici. Comme les dernières fois, je n'ai pas mis le projet de coté! Ce n'était juste pas dans...
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Encore dans le déménagement
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Comme vous avez pu remarquer, il n'y a que des billets de type "Liens du jour" c'est temps-ci. En passant, je suis en...
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Billets "Liens du jour"
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Vous avez sûrement remarqué, ce matin très tôt j'ai fait un billet nommé "Liens du jour". En réalité, c'est de la...
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Ubuntu - Souris Logitech VX Revolution
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Venons-en au coeur du billet. Je suis revenu sous Linux il y a peu de temps, alors quand j'ai un peu de temps pour relaxer,...
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W3Québec - Un nouveau souffle
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y de ça maintenant presque 3 ans, faisant un peu de web, je découvrais les normes (recommandations) du W3C. Trouvant le...
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Ajout d'une section contact
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Vous avez sûrement remarqué, mais il y a déjà 4 pages statiques dans mon blogue et elles sont tout inscrites comme en construction....
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Lancement de la série 2008 de Microsoft
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Cet événement a eu lieu il y a maintenant 1 mois, mais je vais tout de même terminer le brouillon que j'avais fait pour l'occasion....
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Ça y est!
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 J'ai enfin terminé de mettre en ligne mon blogue avec un format qui me plait. Pas que je sois si difficile, juste que j'avais...
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Simple, moderne, valide et beau...
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Mon seul problème, c'est que je ne peux mettre beaucoup de temps sur celui-ci présentement. De plus, comme je ne veux pas faire le...
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À la base 2
Ce billet a été initialement rédigé sur le défunt blogue À la base 2 Il y a environ trois ans, je me suis intéressé de plus près au phénomène des blogues. Les blogues techniques étant moins répandus,...
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Bon, j'ai terminé mon diner avec ces quotes. J'en avais plusieurs en réserves que je n'ais mise ici par manque de temps. Je vous donne des nouvelles sous peu :) Bonne...
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