A pissed off Santa Claud legocredits

Merry Christmas

25 Dec 2014
9 Oct 2020
< 1 minute

The more I’m getting older, the less I care about Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I like to receive gifts, but I prefer to give all year long than concentrate it on a single day. Let’s be honest, it’s more about consumption than anything else, said the materialist that I am. Every year, it feels more like a big rip off…

On the other side, even if I’m pretty close to my, and Émilie’s family, it’s a time where we celebrate, together. It’s usually the moment of the year, even if it’s packed with dinners, lunches, and parties, where I disconnect. Disconnect from the crazy life I live. It’s also usually a moment of the year where I spend more time with my family and my friends. It’s the real meaning of holidays for me.

On that note, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays, no matter how you feel about that holiday, and time of the year. Take this time to reflect on 2014, and see what will happen next for you in 2015. More important, make time in your busy schedule to share a drink or a meal with your friends and family.

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