Web & PHP Conference, a free conference in San Jose

Some of you may know the Web & PHP magazine: a monthly online magazine about Web technology with a big focus on PHP. I'm happy to announce that the amazing folks behind this magazine are doing a free conference in San Jose in September. It will be a chance to hear international, and local speakers about different topics like PHP, mobility, UX, Wordpress, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and more.
The conference will happen on September 17th, and 18th from 1 PM until the end of the evening. It's unusual for a conference to start that late during the day, but my understanding is that it will be easier for people to take two afternoons off at work, instead of two full days: not a bad idea (except that I'm speaking at 10:15 my time on the second day, arg). There is also paid workshops the day before on PHP, bootstrap, security, and more. For those of my readers who would like to attend the workshop, you can use this code WPC13FRED to get a discount (from £199 to £159 - a little more than 60$). I'll be there for the two conference days as I'll do a keynote on Mobile First on the first day, and a presentation on Responsive Web Design on the second one. Here are the abstracts:
Mobile First
As the industry of mobility is exploding right now, and the support for new technology is now available on all the principal platforms, we must stop thinking about mobile phones as secondary devices. The mobile first philosophy forces us to think, design, and create for mobile phones first. Using this technique forces us to focus on what is really important for our users, and our customers without neglecting others devices, like PCs.
Responsive Web Design, get the best of your design
There is no mobile Web, there is no desktop Web, and there is no tablet Web. We view the same Web just in different ways. So how do we do it? By getting rid of our fixed-width, device-specific approaches and use Responsive Web Design techniques. This session will focus on what is Responsive Web Design and how you can use his 3-pronged approach on your current apps today which will also adapt to new devices in the future.
I hope to see you there, and please if you go, come say hi. I also encourage you, whether you can or cannot attend, to read the free magazine (I did three articles for them, more coming). It will be my first time in San Jose, anything special I should do, or somewhere I should go if I have time? Do you plan to attend? Is there any session that interest you more? Share your thoughts.