It’s not about them, it’s about you

6 Jun 2012
22 May 2020
2 minutes

Stop worrying about what others think of you. Stop caring about what people say about what you are doing. Stop being afraid to hear what people think about your clothes, the music you like, the books you read, the movies you watched… It’s not about them, it’s about you.

Too often we look at ourselves with the regard of others, but it’s not right. Why should you please other people when it doesn’t make sense for you? You need to please yourself first, it’s your life! A couple of years ago, I lost my shyness with some other stupid things that poisoned my life, like wanted to please other people all the time. I had to follow the standard, so I can be like everyone else. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to help others, and be nice, but when it prevents you from being yourself, it’s not mentally healthy.

You see the picture on this blog post? It happened yesterday evening. I wanted to take a walk, but didn’t check the weather before. So I went to the Canadian Tire to buy some garbage bags, and I got caught by the rain. I took a bag, and create a one-time raincoat. Even in Verdun, I looked a bit weird with this on me. So what? My goal was to stay mostly dry, and my attempt was successful. For sure, I put a smile in the face of some people, and make others laugh, but at the end, does that killed me? No, and I can definitely say that I made the day of some people by making them smile.

Starting now, stop thinking about what others will think of you. Do whatever you want, in the way you want, with who you want… in short, you get the point! Like KK said at Make Web Not War Vancouver 2011: dance like the photo’s not being tagged, love like you’ve never been unfriended, and tweet like nobody’s following you…

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