Too Many Jobs for My Own Good

I'm proud of the career I have and what I achieved in the last couple of years. I acquired a great deal of experience as a software developer and now, as a developer advocate. One thing that may worry potential employers is the fact that I have a short turnover on most of the jobs I had. By respect for the companies, without going into details, here are the simple explanations for each one...
Developer Relations as a Service Inc
It's my own business. I incoporated to be able to more easily take contracting work when I'm not employed, or make it easier to employ me in Canada if the company doesn't have any legal entity here.
They fired me, mostly because my personality clashed with someone's ego.
I would have been laid off a week after due to a reorganization.
Illegal laid off for union busting: the NLRB (United States National Labor Relations Board) was involved.
I love challenges, but after months of flipping tables to get resources for my team, I realized developer relations weren't important for the company. They laid off the entire Canadian SDK team right after.
All the developer advocates, including our manager, resigned within a month.
Things changed after two amazing years: green KPIs at all cost and the end of open source love were against my principles.
IBI Solutions
All employees were laid off: the owner continued the business by himself.
After 5 years in a psychological abusive environment, I had enough.
So while I changed or were forced to change jobs way too often for me, I guess it's life... Anyway, I ask nothing more than a place where I can grow within a great culture, a place I can use my expertise and hopefully stay for many years!