I'm joining npm as their new Developer Advocate

For those of you that didn't follow my journey for the past two months, prepare yourself for a 360! I'm still in Montréal and it's my first day at npm as their new Developer Advocate. I won't go much into detail with the story behind the brutal changes in my plans as I'm a big believer that you need to accept what you cannot change, but I'm super happy with where I am right now... I can't be more excited for this new role as I love and use, mostly daily, the technology and product of the same name as the company who hired me. I also had the opportunity to connect with wonderful people within the company, which for me, is as critical as the role itself.
I've been doing that job for more than five years and I still love being an evangelist (the title I prefer, but in the end, it's the same role for me). For me, it's the fine mix between two of my passions: technology and people! With a focus on the CLI tools, my day-to-day job will be about creating awareness around our technology and helping developers being successful. Even more important, I'll be the voice of our fantastic community to represent them, us, internally. What does that mean? I'll write blog articles, help on our forums, push some code in our GitHub repositories, speak at conferences, give some love to our YouTube channel and much more.
On that note, I have to ramp up on this new challenge, so I'm leaving you with my "Fred is happy" dance (recorded two weeks ago at an Oktoberfest in Sri Lanka) that summarize my current state well... Sorry, it cannot be unseen (insert evil laugh)!