Web & PHP magazine: articles on HTML5, and the cloud

During the summer, I contribute to Web & PHP magazine, a free, and online magazine around PHP, but also anything web related. I stopped my contribution to concentrate on other projects, but I wrote three articles on HTML5, and also one on Windows Azure when I was a Microsoftie.
PHP in the cloud
This is the issue I did, back in February, when I was at Microsoft. It's still relevant, and it's mostly an informative post on how to take your PHP application to the next level by using the power of cloud computing. Of course, I focus on Windows Azure, and the different ways you can deploy your websites. Note that it's the only issue they printed, and I got many good feedbacks about it as I distributed it at Confoo last year.
Responsibe Web Design
You know me; I like to talk about responsive web design, so there is no doubt I like to write about it also. Since the friend Thomas Lewis introduced me to the concept, I like to share this philosophy, and technique to make the web even better. This article is all about understanding what it is, but also the big picture on how you can implement this when you build your website or web application.
Mobile First
Another less technical topic, but totally related to the web is mobile first. In 2013, you cannot put away the fact that so many people have, and use their smartphone to browse to your site or use your web application. Starting by thinking about mobile or the smallest screen is primordial, and this article will help you understand why.
HTMl5 canvas element
The goal of those articles was to create a series call HTML5 now which I would start with responsive web design, and mobile fist, but would continue with one article about each element on the standards. The idea was to help developers to understand what they can do today, with HTML5. That could have been a very long series of articles as there are many interesting elements in the specification, but I only did the first one on the canvas element, and realize I should use my time to prioritize other projects. I've also been a bit disappointed by this one as they double-booked an article on canvas, and were not able to publish mine in the magazine. They actually published it in another magazine they have, JAXmagazine. I may have done about five years of Java's programming, I'm not into Java anymore, so I don't think it was the best fit for me, but at least they published it, so I didn't work for nothing.
I know they are always looking for new contributors, so if you have any interest, please let them know. There is also a "HTML5 now" series that you can probably take the ownership, and continue to show the awesomeness of the web!