The WWW and me...

When I have discussions about what's next for me (2017 article, still hold a lot of truth) and one question always comes back: where can I find more information about what you've done in your previous roles or your online presences. So here it is, a bunch of links about articles, social media, videos and more. Keep in mind that this blog is by far the best source of information on my way of thinking and who I am...
Social Media
LinkedIn, which is basically my resume. No I don't have a Word document...
Twitter, my preferred social media.
Instagram, because you may want to know more about my life, admit it, you are curious! Yes, there are many cats pictures...
Pocket, where I share articles I've read and found worth sharing.
Public Speaking
An exhaustive list of my previous talks (160+ talks in more than 20 countries) containing direct links to recording, slides and articles. I've given online presentations, but also spoke at many offline events like conferences, workshops, panels and user groups in countries like Canada, Greece, USA, Hungary, France, Uruguay, Mexico, India, UK, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Japan, Singapore, Australia...
SlideShare, all my presentations slides (slowly moving to notist).
Tutorials & other video content
I created mostly video tutorial.
Product demos like this MySQL DBaaS offering at DigitalOcean.
Tutorial for the Fitbit Simulator.
Technical podcasts like F.A.Q. (Fred Answers Questions).
Webinars like this one on Kubernetes (most popular one at DigitalOcean - we maxed out the license we had, 1000)
YouTube, mostly some video interviews with influencers and many recordings of my talks.
Some articles & book
I've published a book about personal branding for developers at Apress.
Blog posts I wrote for Make Web Not War, a brand I owned at Microsoft Canada: my focus was everything Open...
Articles I wrote while at Microsoft (I didn't find a way to list the posts only), articles I wrote or co-authored while at Mozilla & on my short-tenure at npm.
Conseil du patronat (Prospérité Québec) - Partir à son compte, la réalité & L’intrapreneuriat, une forme d’entrepreneuriat
Some media interviews or mentions
The full list of my interactions or media writing about me, here are some highlights:
Cromo (Uruguay) - Una segunda oportunidad para Mozilla Firefox
CNET - More change for Mozilla as top Firefox exec departs
Techvibes - Montreal Hosts Social Good Hackathon, Tackles Issues Like Water Scarcity, and Gender Bias (Greece) - Athens App Days 2013 και Firefox OS στην Ελλάδα
More technical profile & code
Latest thing I built is a WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugin using PHP & React.
StackOverflow, where I was mostly active during my time with Firefox OS.
Fitbit, where I answered developers questions about the Fitbit SDK.
GitHub: note that, ironically, most of my projects as a full time software engineer were not open...
Events, meetups and conferences
Note that I don't own nor organized those events anymore: I decided to focus on other parts of my life. I still love and want to continue to speak at conferences and meetups.
YulDev, which I created to give an opportunity for developers to network: no presentation and not specific to one technology.
HTML5mtl, a front-end meetup I co-founded and co-organized for years.
FailCamp Montréal: the concept isn't from me, but I brought the first edition in my hometown.
Geekfestmtl (Festival Geek de Montréal), an event I imagined (in French) years ago and co-organized the first two editions.
Some technical projects (my years as Software Developer)
I'm pragmatic, but I've always been more on the open side of things. Funny enough, most of my projects are coming with a lovely NDA and some are not even public.
Arc+ Welding Simulator as a Software Developer and project lead at 123Certification.
MobileTech (in French) as a Software Developer and team lead at IBI Solutions.
Miss on the go for Mss VV's Mystery & the Laurentian Bank's EIP with my customer Analystik as a freelancer.
Note that in Québec, there is a strict law (!) about the title Engineer, so consider Software Developer as the same a Software Engineer everywhere else...
Portrait de blogueurs (in French), a video podcast I created (in French) to promote bloggers.
We are Geek (in French), an audio podcast I invented (in French) and hosted with two co-hosts about anything Geek.
Feel free to ask me more information about any of those items.