Publish a Firefox OS app, and get a free phone

If you already have a web application or a web game, or if you used PhoneGap (or Cordova) to build mobile application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I have an offer for you: I'll give you a free phone**.**
Qualifying yourself for this offer is simple:
- You need to publish your application to the Firefox OS Marketplace within one month from your participation acceptance;
- You agree that if you can't publish the application within the delay, I'll ask you to ship back the phone to our US office at your own cost;
- It need to be a quality application (example: no calculator, converter or plain website adapted to run on a mobile...);
You'll agree with me that one month, even if you are doing this on your free time, is more than enough to publish something you already have. If your application or game can adapt itself on different screen size, and it's working in Firefox, it should be easy to port your application to Firefox OS. You do not even need a phone to start as you have everything you need within Firefox with the App Manager, the simulator, and the Firefox Developer Tools. I'll ask you to ship back the device if you cannot respect our agreement as I have a limited number of phones. If it's the case, I'll be able to send the phone to another developer who didn't get a device, make sense? If you respect our deal, the phone is yours!
How can you participate?
- Send an email to []( of Comfort Zone Free Firefox OS phone) with the subject "Out of Comfort Zone Free Firefox OS phone";
- Give me a link to the application or game you want to port to Firefox OS (either a URL for the web application or a link to the published application in one of the app stores for a PhoneGap one).
Once I'll received your email, I'll review the submission for the quality criteria: only the accepted developers will be contacted. This offer is available for any developers in the world, and as supply last. If your offer is accepted, I'll ask you for your full name, address, and phone number: it will be used only for shipping and won't be used after this program. The phone will be either a Geeksphone Keon, a Geekphone Peak, and an Alcaltel One Touch Fire: you cannot choose, it will depend on the phones I'll get.
It's so easy to get a free phone, but apply now as those will go fast! Feel free to share on your own network (after you apply as it's first come, first serve)...
2014-07-31 - This offer is not valid anymore, but you can try with the Apps on a Flame program.