My 3 words for 2016

I was impatiently waiting for 2016: I know it's psychological, but the first of January is like a new chapter, a blank slate to start over, to do better. I don't believe in New Year’s resolutions as it usually focusing on one particular thing only, it put unnecessary pressure on ourselves, and it's just a downer when you looked back on the last year and realized you didn't make it happen. It's why since 2013, I'm carefully choosing three words that will help me throughout the year: they are guidelines, not the ultimate answer.
My first word is a follow-up of the last couple of months of my life as I'm clearly not done: thinking about myself. It may sound selfish, but my top priority this year will be me, myself, and I. Every aspect of who I am: I need to rediscover myself. I need to take care of myself, be happy and do the things I like, alone, but also with the people I love.
This year my second word will make me act like a three-year-old with myself: why will be a word I'll use all the time. I realized last year that life is too valuable and time is a scarce resource. I don't want to dedicate a fraction of my life, even minimal, to something that isn't important to me or didn't align with my priorities. Before anything, I'll ask myself, why I should do this!
I want this year to be a no bullshit policy in my life: the truth most prevail, even if it's not pleasant. It's not that I was lying or that people weren't honest with me. I think that within me, a stronger voice was telling me another truth or that I didn't want to see the reality. I guess this word goes to pair with the first one.
I'm looking forward to this new year, as I know it can't be worse than the last one, at least for me, and I have this overwhelming impression that it will be one of the most incredible one of my entire life, who knows? I can't finish this article without wishing you a Happy New Year: I hope 2016 will be a reflection of your dreams. By putting myself first, asking me why I'm doing something and always being honest with myself, I know mine will be awesome...