Make Web Not War TV - An unfinished project

| 1 min read
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When I was a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, part of my role was to lead our effort around non-Microsoft technology. To achieve this, I join the amazing team of Make Web Not War, and lead this initiative from a DPE (Developer Platform Evangelist - my department) perspective. One of the projects I had was to create a Make Web Not War TV, a series of video interviews with developers, designers, speakers, and technology enthusiasts to share their passion, and expertise with the community. I did a little more than 10 videos, but never had the chance to promote them (focus changed, and the fact that I was leaving Microsoft didn't help).

Now, even if I'm not at Microsoft anymore, I would like to share these interviews with you. Most of them aren't outdated, and still relevant. Since I left, this project won't be a priority anymore, and since these people took their time to answer my questions, I would like to give them the forum they merit by presenting them on my blog. Let's start with the first video I did with Marc Gagné, a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, who was part of my team. If you make abstraction of the quality of the video (it was my first one so the lightning, and sound are not always perfect), we had a great discussion about Microsoft, the startups, and our presence in Notman House. The video is still relevant except the fact that, obviously, it's not me anymore that hold the BizSpark Lounge at Notman, but my replacement (not announced yet, but I'll keep you up to date when it is public).

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