Community Evangelist: Firefox OS developer outreach at MozCamp India

At the end of June, I was in India to do a train the trainer session at MozCamp India. The purpose of the session Janet Swisher (first time we worked together, and I think we got a winning combo), and I delivered was to help Mozillians to become Community Evangelists. Our goal was to help them become part of our Technical Evangelist team: helping us inspiring and enabling developers in India to be successful with Firefox OS (we are starting with this technology because of the upcoming launch).
We would have been able to do a full day or more about developer outreach, but we only had three hours in which we shown the attendees how they can contribute, did a fun speaker idol and worked on their project plan. The contribution can be done at many levels, like public speaking, helping developers to build Firefox OS application, answering questions on StackOverflow, and more.
Since we had parallel tracks during our session, we gave it twice to give them the chance to assist to more than one track. For those who were there in the Saturday session, the following slides are the one we used:
I also recorded the session for those of you that would like to refresh your memory:
For the session on Sunday, we fixed some slides, and adapted our session to give us more time for the speaker idol as the project plan. Here are the slides:
If you were not there, I would suggest you to follow the slides as the video of the second day, as it's an improve version of the first one (not that the first one was not good, but it was the first time we gave this session);
From the feedback we got, it was a pretty good session, and we were happy so see the excitement of the Indian community about this community evangelist role. I can't wait to see what the Mozilla community in India will do! If you too, Mozillian or not, have any interest about evangelizing the open web, you should join the Mozilla Evangelism mailing list (does not exist anymore).