Getting the best out of your design with Responsive Web Design at Devoxx UK

First time in London and first time at Devoxx UK, I had the pleasure to present about Responsive Web Design. I was quite happy with the turn out; attendees were sitting on the floor, as Devoxx is a Java centric conference, and my talk was... not about Java. In forty-five minutes, I introduced to the developers the frustration of non-responsive sites, to the concept itself by showing some examples, and how they can do it once they will be back at work.
The amazing folks behind the event were recording all the talks, so in the meantime I got the final video, here are my slides.
I'll post the video once they upload it online. It was a real pleasure to share some web awesomeness with the folks in London, and I hope to be back soon. If you have any questions, please let me know.
P.S.: I still have the weekend here, and I plan to visit a lot, so ping me if something is missing on my list.