Firefox OS at the Congreso Universitario Movil in Mexico City

Tomorrow, I'll join the students as the developers from Mexico at the Congreso Universitario Movil to share about Firefox OS. Firstly, I'll do a keynote about the fact that HTML is not just for desktops introducing Firefox OS to the attendees:
The mobile web got a bad reputation. In reality, it's the platform to bet on if you care about reach and sustainability of your product. In this talk, Frédéric Harper will show you how you can use HTML and JavaScript to build amazing mobile applications as to brush up what you previously published. Learn about the open web technologies, including WebAPIs and tools designed to get you started developing HTML apps for Firefox OS and the web. In the end, HTML is not just for desktops..
After the talk, developers who wants to port their actual HTML or PhoneGap application will join me for a short workshop:
This workshop is open to individual developers and teams of up to four people. To participate for this short free hands-on, technical workshop, you must have an HTML5 or PhoneGap application that you want to port to Firefox OS or a working Firefox OS app in progress. The workshop will begins with a technical introduction; the rest of the time is for coding and testing your app using the App Manager or WebIDE that’s built in Firefox Developer Tools. We will also have ten devices that you will be able to use to test the platform, but also test your applications on real hardware. Bring your laptops and Firefox devices if you have one. At the end of the workshop, there will be demos of all the port in progress, and some of you will go back home with a Firefox OS Flame device! After the workshop, we will stay in touch while you complete your apps and submit them to Firefox Marketplace. Keep in mind that this workshop is really short in time, so you need to come prepared: install Firefox, install the Firefox OS 1.3 Simulator, and start read about porting your actual HTML or PhoneGap application to this new amazing web platform!
It's my second time in Mexico and my first time in Mexico City. Unfortunately, I won't have time to visit, but I can't wait to meet all those amazing developers tomorrow. If you are at the conference or near Mexico City, join us at UNAM!